Chapter Eighteen - Awake

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Louis' POV

I woke up, I rubbed my eyes before opening them, I could tell wherever I was was brightly lit and it would take my eyes a bit of time to adjust to the light.

When my eyelids finally got the courage to flutter open, I took a look at my surroundings, instantly recognising where I was, but wondering why the hell I was in a hospital. I tried to move, but a sharp pain in my leg the minute I inched of the hospital bed stopped me.

I looked at the cord hanging down from my bed, sighing with relief when I saw one of those remote things that alerts a nurse or whatever. 

Just over a minute passed before a plump woman walked in, holding a clipboard in her hand.

"Hello Hunny, how are you feeling?" She asked, walking over to me and propping the cushions on the bed up so I could move up.

"Ermm I'm okay I think, what the hell happened?" I said, looking at her in confusion as I still had no idea why I was here.

"You were in a car crash, do you not remember?" She replied, taking my temperature whilst looking up at me through her dark brown fringe.

I gasped, a car crash? I didn't remember anything of the sort. Last thing I remembered Niall and I were sitting in the park near my house, talking about everything.

"No, I don't." 

"Well, please don't get up and move around, you've broken your leg in three places, and you're definitely not in a fit state to move right now. If you need a nurse just pull that cord or push the button you used before. There's a few people here to see you, your manager needs to speak to you, can I send him in first?" She questioned, standing up straight and heading for the door.

"Sure." I said, why was Paul here? I looked down at my leg, I had broken it? It was then that I realised I was wearing a hospital robe, and my leg with wrapped in a thick cast, all the way up my shin.

Paul stormed in, he didn't look his usual happy self. He obviously hadn't got much sleep recently as his eyes were surrounded with dark circles, and his clothes looked ragged and creased as though he had been wearing them for a few days.

"Louis, thank god you're awake. Why in the world would you let Niall drive?!" He turned to me, walking over to the chair at the side of the bed, sitting on it and staring at me with questioning eyes.

"I didn't, I don't remember doing that." I said. I let Niall drive? No, I definitely didn't let Niall drive. I thought harder as to what the last thing I could remember was, Niall had said we should go home, and we started heading to my car...

I had started coughing! I think that I had coughed up a bit of blood, had I passed out? I couldn't quite remember. 

Then it hit me, I had passed out. Niall must of tried to drive me here to the hospital, we must of crashed.

"Wait, I passed out at the park we were at, Niall must of tried to drive me here or home or something." I said, looking at the stressed man in front of me.

"Oh god." Paul said, looking towards the window, his eyebrows creased in thought. "Well, they've induced Niall into a coma, you've broken your leg. I don't think you'll be coming back to work for a very long time."

"I'm sorry, Paul, I wouldn't of let him drive if... Well he was just looking out for me I think." I said.

"It's okay, not your fault. I have to go really. The management team will get back to you on how long you will have off work, but it will be six months at least, at least then you'll of finished your TB treatment." Paul replied, getting up.

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