Chapter Eight - Revenge is Sweet

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Nialls POV

The tweet played on my mind for the next few days. I worried so much that it must be obvious I was in love with Louis. I was now distancing myself even further from him than usual. When we were out in public, I literally blanked him, sitting on opposite sides in interviews, walking on the end of the line furthest away from him as a group. I even considered moving back into my small flat not far from the large apartment the boys and I shared.

We only stayed in the same place because of ease. I had my own flat not far from the house, Harry and Louis had a shared one, and Zayn also had his own. The only person who didn't have their own flat was Liam, but when we were all at ours, he got the whole apartment that we all payed for to himself. He also had Danielle's. I honestly don't understand why most of us owned two places not too far from each other, when we only ever needed to stay at one. But it was really easy to all stay in the same house when we had to be in London, rather than going to our stupid little empty flats.

But now I wanted my own space, rather than listening to the two lover-birds in the neighbouring bedroom at night. I just didn't want to be the only one that wasn't staying in the apartment. They would probably all constantly bitch about me or something.

It was late on a Tuesday morning when we got a call of management. There had been an interview arranged that afternoon last minute. Liam and I had been out drinking the night before so we were both hungover and didn't want to go, but we had no choice.

We were also told it wasn't just going to be an interview, which didn't sound promising.

Louis' POV

The boy's and I arrived at this last minute interview late. None of us wanted to be here, we had been so busy recently, in the studio, at photo shoots and talking to interviewers at least once everyday was getting a little tiring. We finally thought we had a day off, and they'd gone and jumped this stupid not-just-an-interview on us.

Niall and Liam were the most miserable. They were both hungover, and although it wasn't rare for Niall not to talk to me, Liam was usually a bubbly fellow, instead they sat there looking tired and in pain.

After traipsing through thousands of screaming girls, we finally made it into the building of the interview.

"Hello boys! Would you like to know what we're going to get you to do today?" A pretty lady stepped forward, she led us down a hallway and into a large room, on one side there was four chairs, a table and a camera crew. On the other side, there was a large cube, what looked like an inflatable game.

"Yes please." Harry said, looking bewildered.

"Well, we're going to interview you, but as you can see, we have an audience, and we're going to have a tournament! In a little while that is. I'll explain more." She squealed, gesturing towards the weird inflatable thing. The audience screamed loudly as we were led to sit down on the chairs. The interviewer sat on one of them, leaving us five with only three chairs between us.

Harry, Zayn and I let Liam and Niall sit down, they obviously needed it the most, they still looked rough as hell. Harry then went to sit between Liam's legs, clearly leaving a chair for Zayn and I. I sat down and Zayn pushed my feet apart to sit down on the carpet and lean against my legs.

"So, here we have one direction!" The interviewer said loudly, earning an eruption of cheers from the audience watching us.

After that the interview went very quickly, we were asked questions about touring, girls and relationships, how Zayn and I were doing, and a few random questions from fans on twitter.

"Right guys, you're probably wondering what this tournament is about?" Jenny asked - I had picked up on her name during the course of the interview.

"We really are." Zayn and Niall said in unison, both raising their eyebrows.

"Well, if you would like to make your way over to our game!" Jenny rambled, leading us over to the inflatable. It was like a boat, except square shaped and with an opening so you could get in, it had two podiums coming up through the floor, and next to them lay two squishy beams with handles on them, on the podiums there were two little foam helmets. The whole thing was filled with air. I sighed as I realised what we were going to do.

"The aim of the game, is too get your opponent off of the podium using only the 'battering ram' you are not allowed to use your hands or step onto your opponents podium." Jenny finished with a smile.

We all pretended to look happy, but looking over at Niall I could tell his eyes were swimming with dread, the last thing you need after a night out is one of your band mates whacking a squishy thing over your head, probably making the already splitting headache ten times worse.

"Basically, we're going to whittle you down to the strongest two, to see which part of one direction is the strongest!"

The small audience went mad whilst we all shared worried looks.

Harry instantly swapped his frown for a bright smile and said "C'mon Lads, it'll be a laugh!"

"I guess that's your hint you want to go first Harry Styles, you and Liam, on the podiums with the hats on now!" Jenny beamed, laughing as Harry jumped back surprised, he walked toward the opening, pulling a reluctant Liam with him.

They both put on their hats, Liam moaning it would mess up his hair, and climbed onto their podiums. Harry bent down to get his stick thing, passing the other one to Liam with a smug smirk plastered all over his face.

Liam was a softie. Harry knew he was going to win.

Suddenly, Liam started hitting Harry with the battering ram frantically, he tried for his stomach, but Harry whacked him over the head laughing his ass off. Zayn and I couldn't help but burst into fits of laughter. Unlike Niall who stood there looking sympathetic, Liam's head was probably in agony now.

"Harry freaking Styles you will get it!" Liam shouted before pushing the thing into Harry's chest in one fast motion, sending Harry flailing backwards into the soft bouncy wall.

"Ha, I win!" Liam said triumphantly, laughing as Harry got up and moodily threw his hat on the ground of the inflatable, huffing.

"Right, Harry you're out, Liam, rest, you will be back on in a matter of minutes, next we'll have the gay couple of the year!" Jenny insisted, looking over to Zayn and I.

I smiled at her and made my way over to the game. Zayn just stayed where he was, staring aimlessly as though he hadn't heard her.

"C'mon Zayn Malik, you scared?" I winked, looking over at my boyfriend, trying to tease him.

Zayn's head snapped up, he sent me a wicked smile before barging past me and putting on his hat/helmet. He looked adorable. "Tomlinson, I could beat you any day."

"Game on." I said, smirking. I climbed onto the podium, and was shocked when Zayn's stick connected almost instantly with my stomach.

I stumbled backwards, but managed to keep my balance, I hit him back harder, feeling mean that I had to do this to my boyfriend but immensely enjoying myself at the same time. After a minute or so, we were on equal grounds and still no closer to beating one another.

I stopped and pouted, placing down my battering ram and speaking in the cutest voice I could produce. "I can't do this, it just doesn't feel right hurting my baby."

Zayn stopped, looking at me. "You really mean that babe?" He said, looking touched.

I smirked, quickly picking the thing up again. "Ha!" I shouted as I hit Zayn off his podium in one go. "Tricked you!"

"Cheater, you fooled me!"

"You fell for it!" I squealed, leaning in too peck my boyfriend on the lips, he rejected me and walked off, smiling as he muttered something inaudible like 'you don't love me tommo'.

Jenny grabbed my hand and pulled it up, "Winner! Whoever win's this next game is against Tomlinson, Zayn you're out, Niall and Liam, you're up."

I laughed softly as Liam climbed back onto the inflatable, moaning about being the only person who had to do it twice.

Niall's POV

I beat Liam in under two seconds, he was probably too scared to cause me the searing headache that Harry had caused him.

I smiled as I realised I would be fighting Louis, this would be fun.

"Right, Louis Tomlinson, versus Niall Horan, whoever wins this game is officially the strongest member of One Direction because this is a higly scientific test. Even though we didn't do this fairly and you two have only played one game but hey ho!" Jenny, the nice interviewer stated, giggling.

Louis and I made our way onto our podiums. I pulled the hat onto my head, eyeing up my opponent.

I knew this was only a joke, but I had too win this. I had to beat Louis, I needed to take out all my anger on him. He was the reason it was there.

He was a bastard to say the least. I couldn't believe the way he had treated me.

He kissed me back, now I was going to get him back.

"Watch yourself Tommo." I said slowly, smirking wickedly at Louis.

Louis just smiled back, only angering me more. "You should, Horan."

"ONE, TWO, THREE, GO!" Jenny shouted, banging her hand down on the side of the game.

I took the first hit at Louis and soon we were battering each other.I could hear cheering from the crowd, they were clearly undecided as the were chanting "NOUIS NOUIS NOUIS", instead of either of our names, obviously not caring which one of us won.

Louis turned his head for a second, and I whacked the ram into his cheek, causing him too very nearly fall off the podium, but he caught his balance at the very last minute, whacking me around the hip as he stood back up straight.

I bent down as though the whack had really hurt me, covering my face with the squishy thing I held in my hands, I couldn't believe it when I heard Louis' voice, falling for his own tactic "Niall! Oh my god I'm so sorry!"

"LOL!" I screamed as I jumped back up, hitting him quickly in the face.

Louis fall further backwards than I had expected, heading straight over the low wall of the inflatable and banging his head on the hard floor.

He sat up, rubbing the back of his head "Ouch Niall, that hurt." He muttered, trying to smile.

I offered out my hand to help him up, only to let go when he was close he standing up, sending him back down onto the carpet.

"Pushing it now Nialler!" Louis said, getting himself up. I turned away and walked towards Jenny, she grabbed my hand and pulled it up.

"Niall Horan, the strongest member of one direction!" She shouted, laughing.

I just chuckled as the crowd erupted, and Louis voice travelled from behind. "Not really the strongest, the most cunning."

Ahh, I hoped I hurt his head bad.


I don't really like this chapter, just thought it would be quite funny to show how Niall gets his own back for Louis like kind of leading him on and then staying with Zayn. Of course, this doesn't like settle it but hey it's fun;D

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