Chapter Five - Vomit

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Niall's POV

I couldn't believe it, how could Louis have been so stupid? We had been told at the start, turn our mic's off the minute we were of the stage and have the tech guys remove them.

Yet somehow, he had still managed to walk off, not turning it off, having an oh so private chat with his precious Zayn. The whole freaking audience now knows he's gay, and judging by the deep breathing and almost sound of a kiss from both him and Zayn, they probably knew they were together as well!

Management called the minute the news broke out, we sat outside Paul's office paitently waiting for a good telling off.

"C'mon in guys." Paul's voice came from inside, we all got up and entered, Louis and Zayn looked terrified, Liam, Harry just looked worried. I couldn't help but feel the tenseness in the air.

"Firstly, I apologise for not being able to come to the interview. I should have been there. I have also made a complaint to the studio for the awful tech guys, since its partly their fault that the audience could still hear you, but I have been told you were told beforehand to remember to switch your radio mic off, and you didn't. Louis, I think you have some explaining to do." Paul's voice wasn't angry, but he kept a steady pace and you could tell he was trying to stay calm.

"I'm really sorry, I should of remembered -"

"I mean more about what was said, it's all over twitter that your gay, I don't want to imagine the papers tomorrow. Are you or are you not gay?"

Louis looked torn, clearly pissed off he even had to answer the question. He begrudgingly nodded, looking anywhere but at the rest I us.

"And every ones assuming that sound was you two kissing, Zayn, are you a couple?"

Zayn instantly blushed, and sat there for a minute contemplating wether to answer before he muttered a short yes, also finding his feet suddenly very interesting.

"Right guys, well, it's late, you can all go home, you two, don't get seen in public together alone, for now. You can announce your relationship as soon as I get the heads up from the rest of management. There is a lit of damage control to be done, but we have no way of covering this up. Goodbye, I will call tomorrow with the verdict." Paul didn't sound as stressed as expected.

We all mumbled our thank yous as we solemnly left out the room.

The minute back in the dimly lit hallway Louis and Zayn jumped about in excitement "Thank god!"

"That's such a fucking relief." Zayn said, kissing Louis quick and soft making me feel sick to the pit of my stomach.

Louis clearly hadn't told Zayn about our little encounter in the kitchen that morning. Zayn had the right to know, I knew he would probably hate me, but technically Louis had cheated on him. It wasn't fair at all.

I may have started it but, Louis sure didn't seem too keen to end it.

And now they would soon be allowed to announce their relationship, great.


That night, we all sat round watching some weird action movie on film 4. I sat closely cramped with Liam, since Zayn and Louis had decided to take up nearly all the room on our small sofa, Harry lay awkwardly on the floor, not looking up from his phone once. He was engaged in a chirpy conversation with what I believed to be the interviewer from earlier that day.

Louis and Zayn hadn't left each others side since we got home. They were being one of those sickly sweet couples that rubbed their noses and said sweet things half way through a moment of silence. I had to admit, this only bothered me so much as I would of killed to have been in Zayn's place, but still I felt my blood churn every time Zayn muttered something about Louis eye's or Lou said how lucky he was to have Zayn as a boyfriend.

When the stupid film finished, I got up and went into the kitchen, taking the five empty beer cans to the bin with me and getting another packet. Two beers wouldn't do us any harm. We didn't have any work planned for tomorrow plus I needed a good bit of alcohol to take my minds off things.

I went back into the living room, handing all the boys another beer, Liam shook his head and put it back into my hand. He looked quite sickly.

"Liam, are you alright mate?" Lou asked, obviously noticing the off colour of his face as well.

"Yeah I'm fine -" He stopped talking, a large gag escaping his mouth.

Louis and Zayn didn't have enough time to move out their way, everything seemed to slow down. Liam gagged again, his hand flew to cover his mouth, but he was too late. Sick flew everywhere, covering Zayn's chino's and top, along with all of Louis' feet and the bottom of his trousers.

"Shit man!" Zayn shouted, not impressed. "Liam!"

"Don't worry, it's okay." Louis said, a disgusted expression on his face whilst he rubbed Liam's back trying to comfort him.

Liam muttered a sorry, before jumping up, covering his mouth and running to the downstairs toilet to throw up again. I started after him, but Harry stopped me, pushing me back and smiling. "I'll sort him out, don't worry."

He followed Liam into the toilet. I turned back around to see Lou and Zayn standing there, clearly scared to even walk up the stairs in case they spilt sick everywhere.

"How can we even move when we've got these on?" Louis asked, looking down in dismay.

"Gonna have to take them off." Zayn replied matter of factly, pulling off his chinos and wrapping them up into a small ball. He then ran out the room in his boxers, heading straight for the upstairs bathroom.

Louis stopped to look at me before he pulled of his trousers. He sent me an apologetic look before they were fully ripped off and balled up in a similar way to Zayn's.

We both knew Zayn would have locked himself in the bathroom, so Louis and I stood there awkwardly. Louis was obviously uncomfortable around me with no trousers on, whilst I felt equally uncomfortable, not really knowing where to look.

"Look Niall, I know I haven't spoken to you properly, but I'm really sorry about this morning, it was a mistake, it wont happen again." Louis stepped closer towards me, my heart rate increasing.

I faked a smile "It's okay."

"It was a mistake, yeah?" Louis asked, sounding scared and unsure.

I felt the butterflies in my stomach start to fly, it wasn't a mistake at all, I definatly regretted it, but I wouldn't class it as a mistake.

"Not for me, no." I admitted, trying to sound as angry as possible whilst avoiding any eye contact with the beautiful boy that stood in front of me.

His whole face showed how sad and angry he was. He sat down, chucking away his chinos that stank of sick, and started to cry.

"Lou, what's wrong?" I kneeled down next to him, lifting his face from his hands so we could have a proper conversation.

"Niall, I don't understand it. Out of everyone, why me? What's so special that you would like me? What's so special that Zayn liked me back? You both could do so much better, and now I'm in love with two fucking guys." Louis said, pushing my hand from his face and looking down, more tears escaping from his eyes.

"Wait, what was that?" I asked.

"I fucking love you don't I, and it's fucking great timing, I love Zayn too, not in the same way, URGH I JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND IT, I'M NOT SPECIAL." He stamped his feet, getting more and more annoyed with every word he said.

Louis sentence started to register in my mind. Was he telling me he had feelings for me, or that he loved me as a friend, why in the world would he ever like me back? How could it even be possible?

Louis liked me back?

"You... you love me?"

"I have feelings for two fucking boys and yes Niall Horan, one of them is you." Louis sounded beyond frustrated.

"Oh.." I said, not knowing how to react to this sudden outburst, the situation had suddenly turned from being a regular night in too quite a serious discussion, and now, now Louis was saying he loved me?

"Niall, why did you have to like me, I just got happy? I'm nothing special." Louis said, throwing his arms up and sending me an angry glare.

"I'm sorry Louis, I can't bloody control what I feel, you have no idea how much I would love for you too leave my mind for more than two minutes a day. I didn't choose to fall in love with you, but I did, okay?! And as for you not being special, you're right, you're not special, you're spectacular, you're absolutely amazing and why in the world you would ever turn out to like me back is a mystery, because trust me Lou you could get any fucker you wanted, you're just perfect, and I can't help liking you because you're perfect, just fucking make your mind up, because one of us is gonna get hurt, and to be honest I'd rather it wasn't me." I blurted, angry at Louis for even implying I could control how I felt about him.

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