Chapter Twenty Four - House Hunting

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We were finishing work the next day at the studio when Niall rushed through the door. 

"LOU!" He shouted when he spotted me on one of the stools, chewing on a celery stick. I hadn't noticed him enter so I looked up in surprise to see him running towards me, arms wide.

He jumped on me, knocking the stool over sending the two of us flying to the ground. "Hey Niall" I mumbled from underneath his small body, rubbing the back of my head as I tried to sit up.

"I've missed you baby." He said, pecking my lips lightly, causing the butterflies in my stomach to go wild as usual.

"Missed you too." I said before deepening the kiss.

"NO PDA PLEASE." Liam's voice rang through the room, reminding me that Niall and I weren't alone. 

"Yeah and aren't you gonna say hi to us Niall?" Harry teased, looking down at the two of us on the floor. 

Niall got up, holding a hand out to help me up. "Hey Harry, Liam and Zayn." He said in a monotone voice, giving them the most bored look he could. 

"How's Daisy?" Zayn asked, waiting for Niall to sit down on MY stool before he answered.

"She's not okay, really, but the baby's fine, luckily." Niall sounded cheerful.

"That's good, give her my love." Liam uttered whilst looking intently at his phone. 

"Are we done here?" I asked, getting up from where I was leaning on the wall, and finishing off my celery from earlier. 

"Ask if you can go?" Liam suggested.

I disappeared out the room and went to ask to studio manager if we were allowed to leave, luckily he let us.

"Guys, don't come back to the flat for a few hours yeah?" I asked with a smirk as I picked up Niall's bag from the floor and placed his hand in mine.

"Oh Louis, really?" Zayn said, cringing.

"We haven't seen each other in a week!" Niall protested.

"We would of known not to come back you didn't have to mention it." Harry said, winking. I smiled at them all before pulling Niall out the doorway. We heard the faint sound of Harry shouting "USE PROTECTION." Before we made it out the building.

I let go of Niall's hand when we got outside, not wanting all the screaming girls too see us like that. Sure we were out but we still got alot of bad press whenever we got caught doing something, even as little as holding hands. 

We took a few photos and signed some autographs before heading to the car. I got in the drivers seat whilst Niall struggled to get into the passengers seat. 

Soon we were at the flat, making our way through yet another small crowd of girls into our home. 

"So have you thought any more about buying a house?" I asked Niall when we finally shut the door off to the rest of the world.

"Yeah, I think we should start looking soon really?" He replied, kicking off his shoes and taking his bag from my hands. "Two secs whilst I shove this upstairs."

He ran up to our bedroom, returning in under a minute.

"I really like the idea of  a whole house to ourselves." I said, winking as I walked towards him. 

"Yep, all that room for only us to enjoy." He agreed seductively, leaning in and placing one soft kiss on my lips before pulling away. I groaned, grabbing him around the waist so he couldn't move back,  hungrily kissing him. It was the first time I had kissed him like this in a while, but we hadn't had much chance recently, hardly ever getting any time alone, so of course we were going to make the most of it. 

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