Chapter Thirty One - Angry

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The initial feeling of loneliness returned when my alarm woke me up. I had originally slept in the spare room in hope Niall would come and get me, or at least try to stop me. Show me that he wanted me, or something like that. But now I was regretting my decision, the  absence of his stronge frame wrapped around me made my chest hurt. 

I ambled out of bed and knocked on our bedroom door, my suspisions that Niall was still asleep being confirmed when I heard shuffling from the bedsheets. "Niall get up! We got that interview babe." I shouted lightly from behind the closed door. 

"Okay." Niall replied, in little above a whisper, I waited until I heard he had gotten up and headed into the bathroom. I had a quick shower. When I got out I dried my hair with the mini hair dryer we had in the bathroom as a joke present for my birthday last year of Zayn, which I actually used quite a bit. I wrapped myself in a towel, putting the dirty clothes and underwear from yesterday in the washing. I wandered over to our bedroom, smiling at Niall when I entered. Niall was sat at the dressing table pulling gel through his hair, he looked up and sent me a weak smile. "Hey." He said, looking back to his reflection. 

I grabbed some clothes out the wardrobe and some underwear from our set of drawers, pulling them on swiftly, I chucked the towel over to the door so that I'd remember to return it to the bathroom. 

"You sure your up for this honey?" I asked, wrapping my arms around Niall's waist and placing my head on his shoulder. 

"I'll be fine." He replied bluntly. I untangled myself from him and left the room, shocked at the way he was speaking to me. I went to the kitchen and made us both some toast, leaving Niall's out so hopefully it would get cold, unluckily he came down just as I placed it on the table. I sat down on the opposite side, hoping he got the vibe I was pissed off. 

He didn't seem to catch on, sitting down at the island and eating his toast quietly. 

"Who's this interview with then?" He asked in a quiet voice.

"I don't know, all I know is we're being picked up in ten minutes." I replied, looking up only to glance at the clock. 

"Oh right." Niall muttered, getting up and putting his empty in the dishwasher and chugging down a glass of water. I waited for him to leave the room before doing the same. I then went to the hallway and decided to grab my red toms, going into the living room and pulling them on. I sat down on the sofa and waited till I heard the doorbell. Niall ran down the stairs making it into the hallway just after me. I opened the door to a smiley Liam. 

"Hey guys!" He said cheerfully, smiling wider when he saw Niall was behind me, up and looking okay. 

We all made our way to the van, Liam jumping in the front seat whilst Niall got in the middle seat next to Zayn, I climbed in after him, huffing as I sat down. Harry was sat in the very back, he lent over and ruffled my hair, I turned around in surprise and he just smiled mischievously at me. 

"How you feeling Nialler?" Harry asked, fully serious and concerned. I could tell Niall's smile was nothing but fake when he replied that he was alright. 

We drove along mostly in silence, Liam in a conversation with Paul who was driving us, and Zayn in a deep text conversation with some guy from his school he bumped into the other day. 

Harry sent worried glances to me every now and again, due to the fact Niall and I were usually happily laughing or being couple-like, maybe at least touching. But I ignored them, hoping no one but Harry had noticed Niall's offness towards me. 

When we finally arrived at the building, which I recognised as the sugarscape building. There were less fans than usually, obviously not many knowing we were going to be here. We jumped out the car, almost every girl managed to get a picture with at least one of us, which was rare. 

"Hello guys, welcome to sugarscape!" A woman I didn't recognise greeted as we walked in, shutting the door off to the loud shouting from outside. 

"Hello." Paul replied. We all muttered our Hello's. 

She motioned for us to follow her and we made our way to a large room with a table and a sofa. 

After about ten minutes of prep we had all been sat down at the sofa, we got the normal questions, along with some off the fans, and then they asked us about some rumours.

"So Niall is it true you and Louis have adopted a baby?" The interviewer asked innocently. 

I stiffened, how could they know about Daniel, I looked over at  wide eyed Niall, t wasn't hard to tell he had tears forming in his eyes. 

"Total rumour." I managed to mutter, still shell shocked that they somehow knew we had been looking after Danny. 

Niall let out a quiet sob, only loud enough for Liam and I on either side of him to hear. I instinctively grabbed his hand and squeezed it tightly, he squeezed mine back, showing me he apprieciated my little sign of support. 

The interviewer carried on with mostly light hearted questions, I answered anything directed at Niall,  the interviewer soon stopping asking him as she realised he wasn't talkative. 

When we got back in the privacy of the car driving to the next interview Paul finally blew. "Guys, please tell me you've been careful about Daniel." 

"We have!" I replied, still worried how it had gotten out, or at least people were suspecting it. 

"Why did they ask then? You haven't been taking him out or anything have you?" 

"Do you think we're that stupid?" Niall retorted, sounding angry. 

"Niall he's only checking, if people found out -" 

Niall cut me off "I'm just sick of people thinking we're thick! Someone must of seen him being dropped off. Or, I don't know! Maybe someone's spying on us?! Looking through our window?" Niall said sarcastically. 

"Niall, calm down." I said, angry at his outburst, Paul was just worried about what could get out. 

"Look guys, be careful about Daniel, you're gonna need a nanny or something when he moves in, because there's no way you can be seen with him yet." 

"Yeah, we know." I said, Niall just huffed and looked away from me, crossing his arms. 

"How long are you gonna do this?" I asked him. 

"Do what?" He turned to look at me.

"Be angry, you can't mourn forever Niall." I said. 

"Have you ever lost the mother of your child?" Niall said in monotone. 

"Well I know what its like to lose someone you love Niall, even her family aren't acting like you." I told him. 

"Well Lou, if you can't deal with me being sad about a really good friend dying then fuck off." 

The rest of the boys turned to look at Niall, shocked. I mean sure we had seen him angry but the one thing he had never done was speak to me like that out of the blue, I felt the tear prick at the corner of my eye. 

"What do, what do you mean?" I mumbled, my lip trembling. 

"Go away, I can't be with someone that doesn't care." Niall answered. 

"Niall I don't mind you mourning you just can't take it out on everyone." I said, holding back the tears. 

"Oh whatever." 

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