Chapter Fourteen - Go Get Him

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Niall's POV

"Daisy I'm so sorry." I said, pulling my clothes back on.

"Why?" She asked, putting on some sweatpants and a hollister t-shirt from her wardrobe.

"I - I don't like you, in that way." I apoligised, looking down at the floor. I wasn't in my right mind, I was gay for starters, and I had just used this really lovely girl to get back at Louis, Daisy didn't deserve that.

"Are you fucking kidding me, I just had sex with Niall freaking Horan, I couldn't care less if you liked me,  you're amazing!" She laughed, coming over to the side of the bed I was sat on and pulling me into a warm hug. I didn't notice I was crying till she wiped my cheekbones. "Hey hun, I'm sorry, I honestly don't judge you for this, I think you needed that."

"Daisy, I'm gay." I smiled through my tears.

"I know that, I kind of guessed, but hey, this doesn't mean anything then, yeah? Don't worry I'm not a bitch, I won't tell the press or anything just try and not get seen leaving this house." She said, smiling back at me. 

I hugged her even tighter "You're really lovely, you know that?" 

"I've been told." Daisy winked and giggled at me. "Hey, Louis will pick you, you know that?"

"How do you know?"

"Sixth sense." She said, a wide smirk spread across her face as she tapped her nose and got up from the bed.

"When I get home, I'm gonna hack all the boys twitter accounts and follow you on every one." I said, laughing when Daisy's eyes widened. "Oh and Daisy, how old are you?" 

"Sixteen, seventeen tomorrow!" She squealed.

"Ahh, I'll get you something, pinky swear." I said, grinning at my new friend, holding out my pinky. She hooked hers through it, grinning back. "I best get going, I have - " I looked down at my watch "Shit, two hours till I need to be in Ireland and SHIT, DAISY DID YOU HAVE A TB JAB AT SCHOOL?!" I shouted, suddenly realising I could of made daisy really ill.

"Okay, use the backdoor, and calm down I had it last year, why?" 

"I could of given you it.." I mumbled as I turned towards the door, heading down the stairs to the door she directed me too.

"Well you won't have!" She smiled, pushing me out the door into the back garden. "Climb over that fence, you'll end up in a field, if you head straight you'll come out like right behind the cafe I met you in." 

I kissed her on the cheek "Thanks Daisy." 

She didn't answer she just pushed me forward, smiling like a kid at Christmas.

I don't know why I trusted Daisy she wouldn't tell the press, I just did, she didn't seem like that at all. She knew all my secrets as well, I was screwed if she turned out to be a cow. 

I shook of that thought, Daisy was lovely, I knew she wouldn't do that.

After nearly getting lost I was back at the hotel with only an hour and a half to spare, I had been too a small jewelers on the way and bought Daisy a beautiful necklace, silver with a tiny D hanging down, encrusted with diamonds, I would post it the minute I got home.

When I arrived at the hotel, I went straight to my room, packing my suitcases full of everything I had worn and collected since the last time I went home, I managed to fit everything in the only three suitcases I had. I got my tickets ready, and my passport and left everything neatly in my hotel room, I had an hour to spare.

Louis' POV

Harry picked my up by my armpits, and practically carried me into his hotel room. He set me down on one of the sofa chairs and went into his little kitchen. Popping his head round the doorframe he asked "Tea?"

I nodded, and sat there paitently calming down until Harry returned with two fresh cups of tea, setting them down on the coffee table that lay next too us.

"What happened?" Harry asked, motioning for me to drink my tea.

I took a sip and placed it back down, shivering as the warmth traveled down my chest. "I had sex with Niall." I said, avoiding eye contact with Harry, looking everywhere else in the room.

"But, you're with Zayn?" Harry said, taken aback.

"No, I finished him before it happened." I replied, still looking everywhere else in the room except at Harry.

"Oh boo, you've messed up." Harry whispered, making his way to my chair and pulling me into a tight hug.

I wrapped my arms around his warm body and pulled him closer. "I know." I said through the tears that were falling down my face again.

We stayed like that for a while, Harry stroking my hair whilst I cried into him, in a comfortable silence, but soon there was a knock at the door.

"Haz, I'm going in a bit, just wanna say bye." Niall's voice came from behind the door as he somehow managed to open it. He was looking at the handle in confusion when his head popped up. His eyes widened when he saw me and Harry hugging. "Another one, Louis?" He sneered. I flinched, he had only ever done that once, called me Louis, and it still hurt, I wasn't Louis, I was his Lou.

"This isn't what it looks like Niall, he was just upset so I brought him in." Harry said softly, getting up and making hand gestures whilst he spoke to Niall.

"Whatever, in case you wanted to know Lou, I just had sex, HA! I'm over you." He laughed before walking out the hotel room, slamming the door behing him.

I burst into a fresh set of tears. "Oh Lou, I bet he's lying to try and make you feel bad." 

"But Hazza, I love him." 

"Then why the hell did you let him go this morning?" Harry said, suddenly a little harsh.

"Because, I love Zayn too." I mumbled, umbling with the hem of my shirt.

"I think it's time you forgot Zayn and admitted to yourself that you love Niall, if you loved Zayn so much then why weren't you this cut up after finishing him? You know what they say, if you fall in love with two people then choose the second. Plus I've seen the way Niall looks at you bab, he loves you with all his heart, but Zayn, not so much, go get him Lou." Harry pushed me towards the door.

"Thanks haz." I muttered as he pushed me out the doorway.

"No problem!" He shouted from behind the already closed door.

Time to go get my man.

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