Chapter Sixteen - Sh*t

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Niall's POV

I didn't get much sleep that night, I sat up worrying about Louis for hours, what if he died because of me? And he thought I hated him, that couldn't happen, he couldn't die thinking I hated him.

When I got up the next morning, finally giving up at trying to get some sleep, I went downstairs and ate everything I could find before going back upstairs and packing. I wasn't sure where I would be staying or for how long so I just packed enough for around a month, I shouldn't have been going back to work yet, I had been told to spend another week at home, but Louis was ill so I didn't care.

I texted my mum, she would see it when she woke up, I'm guessing she would understand. I took my daily antibiotics before stuffing them in the front pocket of my rucksack and going to sit on the wall outside.

I called a cab and it only took about 20 minutes to turn up, soon I was at Dublin airport.

After using the machine to check in I had about four hours to pass before my flight, I went into kfc and ordered some second breakfast. It was nearing eleven o clock, I knew it would be sooner or later that management tried to get hold of me, so I wasn't surprised when my phone lit up.

"Hey Paul." I said slowly, trying to give our manager some time to process I had actually piked up.

"Niall, you're in a lot of trouble, we'd appreciate it if you yourself would pick up the phone so we didn't have to hassle your mother to try and tell you everything, which you ignore." Paul spoke steadily, but very clearly angrily.

"I'm sorry, I just haven't been myself." I muttered.

"Oh I know that, you're coming back to work next week, that has been decided, you have  a lot of apologising to do." 

"Erm yeah I am sorry." I said, I was sorry about how I had been acting, but I hadn't been able to bring myself to answer the phone. I hadn't even noticed what my mum had been telling me, I just ignored her.

"So, you and Louis, care to tell me what's going on there? Louis couldn't tell me without breaking down, so I need to know from you, please."

"Erm well he was - erm - we love each other." I didn't really know how to put it any other way, Louis and I were in love.

"Doesn't seem like it from that video. Whatever you can explain yourself when you're back next week, I'll see you then." 

"Actually, I'm in Dublin airport now, I'm coming to Manchester today, I don't know when I'll be able to get down to London but I could come before next week."

"Niall your doctor hasn't allowed you to leave before next week!" Paul shouted, sounding very pissed off.

"I don't care to be honest, I need to see Louis." I said, speaking quietly now as a group of young teenage girls walked into KFC, I couldn't get seen.

"Oh whatever, call me when you've got to England, we're going back to recording with you, Liam, Harry and Zayn next week, that's final." He hung up then.

I was relieved obviously wasn't in too much trouble, he didn't care much about Louis and I.

Seven Hours Later

I was in a taxi on the way to Doncaster, I didn't have much clue where Louis actually lived, but I managed to find it on the Internet and gave the address to the taxi driver, I had been sat in the car listening to my ipod when the taxi pulled to a halt outside Louis' house, I had been here once before so I instantly recognised it.

Luckily there were no fans around, they probably knew Louis wouldn't come out because he was so ill, I payed and thanked the taxi driver, jumping out and making my way down the driveway to Louis' door.

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