Chapter Thirteen - The Reason

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Louis' POV 

I ran out the hotel room, close at Niall's heels. "NIALL PLEASE!" I shouted, but he carried on running, the training he was doing was really paying off. Soon he was out of my sight. I turned around and started to walk back, collecting my thoughts.

Why was I such a dick?

What had I done? I had slept with Niall, the same night I split up with Zayn, what the fuck was going through my head? 

I couldn't be with Niall for the same reason I couldn't be with Zayn, I loved someone else. I just couldn't process it! I was coming across as such a twat, I had feelings for them both and I couldn't change that, if only my brain would make it's mind up and choose who I should really be with.

I loved Zayn, there was no doubt about that, just being in his presence sent chills down my spine. Kissing him set my whole body on fire, and the sex? That was unexplainable. His smile had caught my eye since the day I met him, I had spent the last two years unable to take my eyes off him.

 But when Niall was around, all that changed, someone else's smile was catching my eye.

Niall was beautiful, perhaps one of the loveliest people I had ever met, how could I not love him? He made me feel special, like I was a good person. Kissing him was so different to Zayn, instead of the fireworks and explosions of lust, it was comforting, when I kissed him all my insecurities disappeared, he made me feel like I was perfect.

Why was I the only person this happened too? Niall loved me and Zayn loved me, Harry is practically in love with this interviewer, Liam and Danielle are perfect for each other, everyone but me loved only one person, I was going to be the one that teared the band apart. It wasn't like I could carry on as I was, fucking Niall around and slowly breaking his heart, whilst I still had feelings for Zayn.

I sighed and slid down the hotel door. Placing my head in my hands, I started to cry.

Two long arms wrapped their way around me.

"Shh, it'll be okay." Harry whispered into my ear, hugging me tightly as I begun to sob into his chest.

Niall's POV

"Louis was always my second favourite, have to say I don't like him very much now." Daisy said, smiling at me from across the table as I finally finished my story about Lou and I.

"Yeah, I don't either..." I mumbled, looking down at the salt and pepper shakers that had fallen over earlier when I angrily punched the table.

"Come here hunny" Daisy said, making her way around the table and pulling me into a soft hug, stroking my hair, any other time I would have pushed her away, she was practically a stranger. "He'll come to his senses, promise."

"It's not that it's just, I'd give anything not to love him I would, I hate that I can't get him off my mind. He could do anything to me and I would still love him, he could go straight back to Zayn now and I would still love him. I can't help it!" I moaned, clenching my fists in frustration.

"Come back to mine? I reckon we're getting papped." Daisy said, a sudden scared tone to her voice. My head snapped up and I followed her gaze, the surrounding booths were filled with one or two photographers.


I grabbed Daisy's hand and pulled her up, running out the cafe as quickly as I could, it was only when we had ran half way down the street that I realised I had no idea where we were. 

"Wait, Daisy, where are we going?" I asked, turning to the blonde girl that was in a fit of giggles.

"Ermm down there!" She said, pointing left, laughing some more as she gasped for air. Then I realised what was so funny, we were being chased.

"Try and run fast love yeah?" I replied, heading in the direction she had pointed. When we got to the first row of houses, she stopped running, pulling me back.

"This is my house, c'mon quick before they realise you're going into it." She said, pulling me down the drive way and to the side door of the house. She spent several minutes fumbling around in her bag before she pulled out some keys.

"Here!" She said with a smile, letting us into the house. 

She led me to a small living room, in which sat a lad around my age, playing x-box.

"You look familiar, do you go out down near the cricket club or something?" He said as he turned to see me and Daisy standing in the doorway.

"Jordan it's Niall Horan you muppet." Daisy said, throwing the jacket she had taken off in the boys direction, he was rather attractive come to think of it.

"Shit, sorry mate, you're from that band right, the one from the x-factor?" Jordan asked, his eyes following me as Daisy led me too the sofa, sitting me down.


Jordan laughed, throwing his head back. "Dozy here is obsessed with you, aren't you?"

"Shut up jord." Daisy mumbled, flushing.

"Haha, what you doing in this house with my sister then?" Jordan questioned, cocking his head in confusion.

I smiled "She saw me in a cafe and we got talking, then we had to run from the paps and well you live in a very convenient spot here don't you." 

"Upsides to a council house, it's right near the center of town in case you're ever running from the paparazzi." Jordan said with a wink, as his sisters laughter filled the room.

"Shall we go upstairs Niall?" Daisy asked, turning to me whilst  she tried to pull a clip out of her hair.


Soon I was sat in Daisy's bedroom, which was a very weird experience considering the were several pictures of myself on this wall she had completely covered in posters and photos of celebrities, family and friends alike. 

"To return to what you said in the cafe Niall, you don't need Lou, honestly it sounds as if you'd be better off without him." Daisy spoke softly as she sat down on the bed next to me, so close I could smell her sweet perfume.

"Yeah." I muttered as slowly but surely Daisy lent in.

I was then kissing a girl.

I had done it so many times before, but then it was weird, the other ones were when I thought I was straight, but I knew I was gay, and I was sat there kissing Daisy back.

I wanted to get Louis back, right? And the best way to do that would be to show him that I was over him by fucking a girl, right? That's why I didn't protest when I was pushed down onto the bed.

That's why I didn't protest when Daisy put her hands down my pants.

That's why I took off Daisy's clothes.

Louis was the reason I had sex with Daisy.

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