Chapter Twenty One - At That Moment

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Niall's POV

It seemed I had woken up on such a bad day. Zayn had gone back to Bradford for a few days, going to get more stuff to stay here more permanently. My family had also gone home for a few days, although they were returning tomorrow. They had been confused whether to move me to a hospital back home, but had decided I should stay here. It was one of the first days Louis hadn't spent at my bedside apparently, and one of the first days Harry hadn't spent in the waiting room. 

I had definitely woken up at the most inconvinient time.

Despite this, Louis and Harry were on their way to see me. 

I was beyond nervous, Liam kept telling me too calm down, but every time I thought about seeing Louis again I tensed up, what if he had lost his feelings for me? What if he didn't love me anymore?

Liam and Danielle stayed with me whilst I waited for Louis to get here. They bought me some chocolate from the vending machine in the waiting room and we sat there eating it quietly until the door burst open.

There he was, the love of my life.

Louis' POV

I burst open the door to Niall's room, quite dramatically. Only to realise I couldn't run in there on my crutches. I slowly made my way into the room, looking up to meet eyes with the fragile boy.

I stayed stood there, both of us silent, tears welled up in my eyes as I took in the sight of him. He looked beautiful as ever; hurt, but still beautiful. Relief washed over me as I recognised the glint in his eyes when he saw me.

He still loved me.

I made my way over to the bed, standing as close to it as I could get. Still neither of us spoke, we just looked into each others eyes. Niall finally burst, a loud sob escaping his mouth. I grabbed the chair and pulled it over so I could dump the crutches, wrapping my arms around Niall's body careful to avoid his broken arm. 

"We'll leave you." Liam's voice came from the other side of the bed, but I didn't look up, nor reply, I just waited till I heard the sound of the door closing.

"I thought I'd lost you." I finally managed to muster out.

"I thought you might not love me anymore, I thought - I thought I'd lost you too." Niall replied, pulling away and wiping the tears from underneath his eyes.

"I could never not love you Niall." I said, leaning forward and placing a soft kiss on his forehead. 

"I love you too Lou." He finished, staring deep into my eyes with those beautiful bright blue ones of his.

"I've missed you so much." I said, sitting down further in the chair but still holding tight on one of Niall's arms.

Niall smiled at me, before his eyes wondered down to the bandage that covered my forearm.

"Louis what the fuck is this?" He said, obviously sensing what was under the bandage.

"I thought you weren't coming back." I answered, looking down slightly ashamed.

"Never do that to yourself, not other me, never!" Niall shouted, sounding suddenly pissed off.

I couldn't take him seriously though, I chuckled through the happy tears that were rolling down my face. "Never leave me Niall."

"Never leave me Lou." At that moment he pulled me forward, connecting his lips with mine. At that moment everything as perfect in the world, despite the fact we still had many problems to overcome. Even though nothing was really sorted, everything that I had ever dreamed of seemed to come true at that moment, at that moment Niall was mine and I was Niall's.

Niall suddenly lowered his free hand down my back, playing with the hem of my shirt. I pulled away, unable to hold in a laugh.

"Niall I won't have sex with you in a hospital bed." I said through laughter, holding onto my tummy as I giggled.

"Oh but why?!" Niall groaned, a smile tugging at his lips. 

"We'll save that for when you're out." I said with a wink, leaning in to kiss him again, but instead planting quick kisses all over his head. He laughed and pulled away.



"Would you do me the honour of being my boyfriend?" Niall said, looking down pretending to be shy,

"Oh yes!" I said, fist pumping the air dramatically before snogging my BOYFRIEND more passionately than I ever had done before.

Niall's POV

"My eyes, they burn!" I pulled away from the kiss to see Harry standing in the doorway, covering his face with his hands. A chuckle came from behind him as Liam reentered the room, pushing Harry further in as he still stood there whispering things such as "I did not see that." and "Oh my innocent little eyes."

We all laughed as Liam, Danielle and Harry made their way to the sofa on the oppisite side of the bed Lou was sat on. 

"We have some big news guys, we're going out!" Louis chirped from beside me, laughing as he placed his hand in mine and blew me a kiss.

"Oh like you we'ren't already." Liam said through laughter, whilst stroking a still mortified Harry.

Harry pulled away his hands and beamed a 60watt smile at Lou and I "Aww, you two are so cute together, why didn't you get together sooner?" Harry laughed at his own joke, but soon we couldn't resist but to all join in.

I turned to Louis and rested my head on his shoulder. Right then I didn't need anyone else, just touching Louis made all the pain I was feeling go away. My whole body sizzling at the contact between us. At that moment I needed nothing more than my boy, just being there. 

At that moment everything was perfect.

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