Chapter Seven - So Called 'Mistake'

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Louis' POV

The next few days passed by as usual, well, not really as usual, since Zayn and I weren't usually a couple, really.

We had been together for two weeks now, no hiccups. Other than the little kiss with Niall, but he didn't need to know about that... It would ruin the relationship and it meant absolutely nothing.

Since the day Niall kissed me, then later proclaimed his love for me, Niall and I had hardly talked. We avoided making any contact, only speaking when we needed too.

One night over dinner, I could tell Niall was on edge. Earlier that day, I had walked in on him getting changed by accident, it was the first time we had looked each other in the eye for nearly a week. I thought he was out and I needed to speak to Liam, but I had got it the wrong way round, Liam was the one who was out.

When I walked in Niall looked up to me, several emotions passed over his face. I sent him a weak smile, before muttering "Sorry, I should of knocked."

Niall's face stiffened, the angry look he had been carrying all week returning to his eyes "Fuck off Tommo." He turned back away from me, rummaging through his wardrobe.

I guess it was an improvement, he had called me Tommo, not my usual nickname of 'twat'.

So that night, when we all sat around the table, all of us, well mainly Liam and Zayn discussing the upcoming tour, I saw Niall was about to blow.

"Niall, you okay?" Harry asked. And that was it, he got redder, his eyes got wider, he grinded his teeth.

"I'm not fucking okay, no!" Niall finally burst.

"Woah, Nialler, what is it?" Liam spoke in a calming tone, reaching out to touch Niall's arm only the get rejected swiftly.

Niall then turned to me, looking me dead in the face. If looks could kill, I would have been dead in an instant. "You still haven't told him have you?" He said, his eye's narrowing.

"Niall, I -" I started to speak, not sure what I was going to say, but hoping it would be something to stop Niall from telling Zayn I had cheated on him.

"He deserves to know, mate. Guess who tried something with your precious little boy Zayn?" Niall's words were harsh and mean, oblivious to the fact Zayn looked like he was going to cry.

"Who..?" Zayn managed to mumble out, his eyes sad but his lips pressed into a straight line.

Niall smiled, and began to speak at a steady pace, each word clearly slicing Zayn into tiny little pieces. "I came onto him. He kissed me back, that was last week. I obviously knew, Harry knew, Liam knew, and the only person he didn't tell was you."

"Louis? Is that true?" His eyes made their way too mine, they were swimming with confusion and disbelief.

I couldn't bring myself to speak so I just nodded my head. Before I knew it Zayn's hand had connected with my face, sending me dizzy. I fell off my chair, and my eye sight going fuzzy, cloudy spots appearing.

"Zayn!" Liam shouted, rushing round the table to grab Zayn, who was obviously going in for another punch. Zayn managed to break free of Liam's strong grip. He ran out to kitchen in less than a second, angry tears streaming down his face. Liam offered a hand and helped me back on too my chair. "You alright mate?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." I muttered.

"He overreacted, it was only a kiss, he'll get over it." Harry said "It is Zayn after all."

I nodded at Haz, trying to hold back my tears. It was then that I decided to look over at Niall, he sat there, a blank expression covering his face, staring into the distance. "Why did you tell him, he didn't need to know, it was nothing, and now he hates me."

"You and I both know it wasn't nothing." Niall said softly, not meeting my gaze purposefully.

"I don't love you, I love Zayn." I gritted my teeth and spoke in a harsh tone. But it was useless, everyone in the room, including myself, knew I was lying.

"That's not what it sounded like.." Niall mumbled, his eyes glistening but his voice slow and annoyed.

"Okay, I just, it's so confusing and you just confused the hell out of me cause now I think I like you as well as my boyfriend!" I screamed, not able to hold it in any longer.

"Is that so?" Zayn's voice came from the door way, it was shaky and unsteady.

"Zayn, I'm so sorry -"

"Save it, Tomlinson, you can explain later, right now, you need to make your freaking mind up."

"I - I can't..."

Niall's POV

It had been a month since that day, the day when Zayn finally found out his boyfriend didn't only have eyes for him.

Of course though, Louis had brushed himself off, stood up and told him the kiss was a crazy moment of madness, that he didn't love me in the same way as Zayn, that I was a mistake, and well, he loved him.

Zayn accepted it.

And now, they were even more together than ever before, Zayn and Louis avoided me like I was some smelly little kid. Liam and Harry often gave me sympathetic looks, but I would just dismiss them. I didn't want their pity. I didn't need it. Louis loved me back and so what did I have to be ashamed off? Nothing. Louis was the one who should be ashamed, he loved me and he was too much off a twat too come to terms with it.

They had come out to the fans, which, due to the major suspicions, was taken very lightly, everyone loved them.

Every time I went on twitter I was bombarded with mentions.

@NiallOfficial what do you think of Zouis, cute right?

@NiallOfficial You're the only single (or not totally flirting with a certain interviewer) member, what happened to the fling with Demi Lovato? c'mon Nialler keep up with your bros.

@NiallOfficial You should get into a bromance with Harry or Liam, then we'd have a happy gay 1D filled world.

@NiallOfficial So there's Liam and Danielle, Louis and Zayn, Harry is soooooo getting it on with Sally Grimshaw, what about you, where's your lover girl.. or boy?!;D

They were right, Harry was on the verge of a relationship with Sally from the interview. I wouldn't be surprised if they already were. Liam on the other hand, was still contemplating whether to propose to Danielle, and then there was Louis and Zayn, so I was the only member of the band left single.

You're not single if your hearts taken.. My sub conscious mind whispered to me. I pushed away the thought. I was single if the person who took my heart wouldn't give me theirs in return.

There was one tweet that caught my eye, @NiallOfficial I'd pick you over Zayn any day, don't worry, He'll see what he's missing.

What did they mean? How could any of the fans know? Only the band members knew what I thought of Louis, and I tried my best not to make it obvious.

I couldn't help myself. I was typing in a reply, losing control of my fingers. @DaisyCrossleyHoran what do you mean by that..?

I watched as her name quickly changed too "NIALL TWEETED ME<3" and soon she tweeted me back @NiallOfficial I've seen the way you've looked at him from day one, always thought you'd end up together tbh!;)

I replied @DaisyCrossleyHoran ahaha don't be silly, I ship Zouis 100%

@NiallOfficial yeah yeah whatever you say.

I ignored her last tweet, taking it as a sarcastic remark.

But I couldn't help but feel my stomach drop. Was it that obvious I was in love with Louis?

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