Chapter Six - Realisation

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Louis' POV

I lay in bed that night with Zayn, unable to process my thoughts. I have to say I doubted Niall's claim to be in love with me the first time, but after that speech in the living room, I don't think I could ever doubt him.

Niall is in love with me.

And I guess I just had to face the fact, I liked him back. There was something there, even if it was only little.

I don't even understand how that could be? I loved Zayn, I had been in love with Zayn since the first time I saw him. I had cried myself to sleep over him. When he and I had arguments I would disapeer and cry my heart out over the thought he might hate me. Only Zayn could make me feel like that. At least, I thought it was only Zayn.

Niall had never had that affect on me, not until now. Watching him break day in day out, seeing me and Zayn, it was killing me. I didn't like the fact I was causing him so much pain. Now, I was so confused. What should I do? I was with Zayn, I loved Zayn, we were the perfect gay couple, the fans were already suspicious after the incident after the interview. Then there was Niall, he loved me and well I definitely had feelings for him.

Just as I was thinking through everything, Zayn turned around in bed to face me.

"You alright babe? You're breathing is dead unsteady." He mumbled, so close to me I could smell his fresh mint toothpaste.

"I'm okay" I lied, stroking Zayn's soft hair with my right hand.

"Want me to calm you down?" Zayn asked, in a sudden flirty tone. I shivered as he straddled over me, not waiting for an answer. He lent down till his lips touched mine, not staying for long as he made his way down my bare chest. He kissed the whole way down my torso, leaving love bites in several places.

When he reached the waist band of my pyjama bottoms, he looked up to meet my eyes, smiling cheekily. He traced his index finger over the hem. He then grabbed the sides of my pants, pulling them off in one swift movement.

I suddenly felt very self conscious. Even though Zayn was boyfriend and had seen me naked before, this was the first time we were about to do something and I couldn't help it when my heart rate majorly increased and I started breathing heavily.

Zayn's lips carried on down my crotch area. A shiver went down my spine every time he touched me, whether it was with his lips or hands. I grabbed onto his shoulders and moaned as he started too.. well, do what I was expecting.

When Zayn had finished the job, I sat there in awe he could cause me so much pleasure. He simply pulled my bottoms back onto my legs and pecked a kiss on my lips, looking satisfied with himself. He then got off me and turned back to the same sleeping position as before. I was too scared too talk, not really knowing what to say, so I waited till I heard his soft even breathing and fell into a deep sleep myself.

Niall's POV - The Next Day

I was sat at the breakfast table with Liam. He had woken me up telling me he didn't want to come down alone, strangely.

"Sorry about throwing up last night mate, I guess with Zayn and Lou a mess you were the one who cleared it up?" Liam looked up from the cereal he had been messing with for the past ten minutes.

"I did yeah, but its not a problem, you were ill." I said, smiling.

"You alright now by the way? Like is everything okay with your mum?" Liam sounded geuninly worried about me. His eyes were sincere as he asked me.

"It's not my mum that bothered me, Li, I think you know that." I said, playing with my cheerios.

"Go on, who's the girl?" He said, motioning for me to start my story. I just shook my head.

"It's not a girl." I laughed hastily, avoiding eye contact with him. Liam being Liam instantly understood.

"You're into a lad then?" He asked, completely unaffected. I hadn't even reacted when he spoke again "Wait, is that the reason you went in a bad mood after Louis and Zayn announced their relationship?" He raised an eyebrow.

"It's Louis," I said with a small nod. it didn't take long for Liam to appear at my side, letting me lean on him as he hugged me. I felt comfortable with Liam.

"He kissed me yesterday morning."

"So he knows that you like him?" Liam asked, completely unfazed by the fact I had just told him I was into one of our best friends, and that same guy had cheated on one of our other best friends with me.

"Yep, I've told him twice, once yesterday morning, when we kissed, and once last night, when you'd been sick, and both time's he has responded with something completely neutral and annoying. I have little idea how he feels about me." I poured my heart out to Liam, half lying, since Louis had given me an indication of his feelings the previous night.

"Niall, Zayn needs to know if you kissed."

"I know he does." I sighed, it definitely didn't look like Louis was going to be telling Zayn anytime soon.

Liam was still hugging me when we were interrupted by a wizz of hyper curly hair.

"Morning guys!" Harry said, plonking himself down on the kitchen worktop, and grabbing a banana from the fruit basket.

"Hey Harry." I said, trying to sound as happy as possible, at the same moment I spoke, Zayn and Louis walked in. Louis had his arms around Zayn's waist and they were both giggling like two little girls.

"Have a fun night last night guys?" Harry said, winking at the couple. Louis' cheeks flushed red, he looked down at the floor. "You could of kept it down a little, I couldn't get to sleep over your moaning, especially in that uncomfy bed of yours Zayn."

So Harry and Zayn had swapped? Louis and Zayn were sharing now? And they had been moaning last night.. I couldn't believe it, I had blurted out how much I loved Louis just under 12 hours ago and straight after he had gone and fucked the ever so perfect Zayn?!

Talk about being a cruel bastard.

I wanted payback.

"There's something I need to tell you guys." I said, Zayn didn't know about the Louis and I situation, maybe I could fill him in, or at least give them the low down on the kiss yesterday morning.

"Yesterday morning when you guys left the kitchen -" I started to speak but Louis cut me off with a loud sound, before Harry crept over and whispered "Don't. not now." in my ear.

"Go on, Niall- " Zayn said, sounding interested in what I had to say. I saw the pleading look in Louis eyes, he looked at me, begging me not to say anything.

"Nothing, I forgot what it was now,"

I was silenced, for now.

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