Chapter Twenty Nine - What?

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Niall's POV 

"Where is Louis right now then?" Liam asked, all the boys were sat in the living room, they had come to visit whilst we had the baby. 

"Sleeping, he was up all night with Danny and didn't wake me up once." I said, still feeling horrible I had managed to sleep through Daniel's cries whilst Louis comforted him. 

Harry laughed "Up all night, haha." 

"You're so childish Harry." Zayn said, looking over at Harry who was now in a small fit of giggles. 

It had taken a while but Zayn and I had soon made up, or at least let everything go. Sure, sometimes it got awkward, or someone would mention something that would make both of us cringe. But all of us had gone back to being pretty much the best of friends. 

"Aww bet Lou's knackered." Liam said, looking sympathetic. 

"I feel awful, I mean he could of woken me up I wouldn't of minded." I muttered. 

"Niall don't feel bad he obviously didn't want to disturb you." Zayn stated. 

"When's Danny being picked up?" Harry asked, looking down at the sleeping baby that lay on a mat on the floor. 

"One of our drivers is taking him back tonight, Melissa told me to just call when he's on the way." 

The day went very slowly, with Louis surfacing at around twelve and the five of us taking it in turns to feed, change or just play with Danny. We watched a few episodes of friends, and Louis cooked us all an amazing sunday roast, except for Daniel. Liam and Harry broadcasted a twitcam from our Dining room, careful not to let it be seen we had a baby in the house, and soon after that one of our drivers turned up to pick up Danny. 

We said our farewells, unsuprisingly getting no response, and Danny was soon on his way back to Manchester, with Jimmy the cheufur as we liked to call him. 

"I need to ring Melissa." I said once they'd driven off, getting my phone out my pocket. 

"We should be going." Liam said, walking closer to the door followed by Zayn and Harry. 

"See you later guys." Louis smiled, hugging each of them in turn. I had already dialed Melissa's number so I just smiled and mouthed a goodbye. They left, all getting in Harry's car and turning out of our driveway, leaving Louis and I alone in the house once again. 

"She didn't pick up." I said as it went through to answer machine. 

"Just send her a text and try again in a bit, all she wanted was to know Daniel was on his way back right?" Louis questioned. 


"Well do that then, why can't you ring Daisy?" 

"Apparently she has a tendency to sleep in a lot when she's been out drinking." I informed Louis, heading back into the living room and plonking myself down on the couch. 

I sent Melissa a short text, before taking note of the time so I could try ringing her again in about an hour or so. 

Louis went into the kitchen and brought back two cans of beer and a packet of kettle chips. He sat down at the other end of the sofa and passed me a can and dumped the crisps in between us, opening them and taking out about five. 

"Had a good weekend?" Louis asked, not looking away from the T.V where he was flicking through the channels. 

"Yep, you?" I replied. Louis settled for a rerun of How I Met Your Mother before replying. 

"Well I could of had more sleep but otherwise amazing." He said, smiling over at me whilst drinking his beer. 

"I'm so sorry Lou, you could of woken me up." I said through a mouth full of crisps, instantly feeling bad again for the fact Louis had been up all weekend with Danny whilst I slept through it all. 

"Honest Niall it's fine." He said, turning back to the T.V.

I carried on drinking my beer, trying Melissa twice again before it got so late Louis headed up to bed; I followed shortly after him. I wondered why Melissa wasn't picking up, she always seemed like the over protective mother type. I just hoped Danny had made it too Manchester fine but right now I had no way of finding out. 

When I entered the bedroom Louis was still awake, sitting under the covers flicking through his phone. I stripped down to my boxers and got in bed next to him, he smiled round at me, coming closer so he could kiss me softly on the lips. I wasn't sure of his intention but I deepend the kiss, putting my arms around his neck, he showed he agreed with me when he placed his phone on the bedside table before moving his arms to my waist, kissing me back. Soon he straddled over me, pushing me down futher on the bed. He moved away from my lips kissing my neck softly, before making his way down to my nipple and lingering there for a moment, I moaned quietly, and felt Louis smirk against my skin. He grinded against me, letting me know what he wanted, causing the much anticipated friction between us that had me groaning in response. I rolled us over, so I was on top of Louis, kissing his lips hungrily and moving my hands around his bare chest. I sat up, smiling down at my boyfriend before starting to move down so I could pull off his boxers, but stopped when my phone started to ring from the bedside table. I looked over at the caller ID, when I saw it was Melissa I mumbled an apology to Louis, who huffed in response, before crawling off him and picking the phone up. 

"Hello, is this Niall?" A voice I recognised as Daisy's brother, Jordan, asked.  

"Yeah, is that Jordan?" I replied. 


"What's up, why couldn't your mum ring?" 

"It's my sister she -" His voice cracked "She fell through a roof last night, she's dead." 


I thought car crashes were too mainstream.


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