Chapter 1: The Beginning

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In the beginning, there was darkness and nothingness because the universe did not exist at that time. Then the Big Bang happened which was caused by an omnipotent being better known by most as God. When the Big Bang happened space, time, matter, and energy were created. After those were created God decided to create elements like hydrogen and helium which are the first two elements in the entire universe. After that God decided to create stars and then galaxies. His first 2 galaxies were the Milky Way and Andromeda. After creating a lot of galaxies God went to the Milky Way galaxy. Decide to create a solar system within the Milky Way galaxy with a special star that would burn for billions of years. This special star will become known by most people as the Sun. After the Sun was created God decided that 8 planets should orbit this star. 4 of them were rocky planets made mostly of rock and metals like iron and nickel and were close to the Sun these planets later became known by most people as Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. The last 4 were gas giants planets made mostly from gases like hydrogen, the gas giants had a solid core at the very center of the planet, and these 4 planets became known by most people as Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. 

Millions of years started to pass and during those years the planets and the Sun started to stabilize. God then decided to focus on Earth as this planet fascinated him the most. God created a moon for this planet so that it was stable for what God was planning to do. After the creation of the moon, God started a giant rainstorm on the planet. The giant rainstorm created a giant ocean that covered the entire planet. After that God started hitting the Earth with thunderstorms, meteorites, and volcanic eruptions for many centuries. This led to the creation of the first life form in the entire universe which was bacteria. The bacteria were microscopic life forms that covered almost the entire ocean mostly because bacteria could multiply very quickly since they multiply through splitting. Since all bacteria are living things, they started producing the life force that all living beings will produce regardless of whether they were plants, animals, or fungi. This life force is known as Seele (German for soul). It is an indicator that a living being is alive. When a living being produces no Seele it means it is dead when a living being produces a weak Seele it means that it is dying. 

Millions of years started to pass, and the Earth was changing as continents started appearing on the Earth and a lot of bacteria were evolving into new life forms like plants, fungi, and most importantly animals this event will be known by most people as the Cambrian explosion. A few days after the first animals started appearing all of them developed something that no life form whether that is a plant, fungi or bacteria has which is a soul. When an animal dies, they stop producing Seele like all living beings, but their souls still live on. So, God decided to create a special world for the souls of the animals to go to after they have died. This world where all souls of animals that have died go to is known as Sąd (Polish for court). The world of Sąd is ruled by God's confidant whom he created to rule this world the Judge. The Judge is a being that is 4 meters tall, has 4 arms, has wings, has no emotions, and wears a grey suit of armour with spikes on the shoulders and horns on the helmets that cover his entire body including his head, neck, and hands, has glowing purple eyes that could send shivers down any one's spine, has a deep voice that even the bravest of people would be petrified by and he carries with him a giant hammer that when he passes his final verdict he would hit it on the ground just like a judge would hit his hammer on the table to pass his or hers final verdict. Judge just like God is a being that has no race and no gender, Judge is a being that can hear and see everything that is happening in the world of the living and the world of Sąd just like God but unlike God, he cannot see what is happening in the world of Heaven and the world of Hell and Judge is the second smartest, strongest and fastest being in the universe after God. The Judge's main job is to judge the souls of the dead and decide where they will go in their afterlife. If a soul was good (for the most part) it would go to Heaven a world that is the best utopia ever for a good soul if the soul was bad (for the most part) it would go to Hell a world that is the worst dystopia ever for a bad soul If they were neither good nor bad (for the most part) they would reincarnate into the world of the living with no memory of their past life or lives in some cases. God also created Mother Nature and Father Time to aid The Judge and the universe  MotherNature rules over Heaven while Father Time rules over Hell. 

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