Chapter 5: A New Beginning For Charles

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Eventually the 2nd September finally arrived. Charles put on his finest clothes and takes out his Zauberstab from his draw and put in his trouser pocket. Charles didn't have put on a uniform as the Gakko had no uniforms as the Gakko believes that uniforms don't help and don't add any value to education as to them, they are just clothes, they also believe that uniforms destroy children's individuality as it forces everyone to be the same.

Charles and his parents have breakfast before Charles and father get themselves to Berknich. When they get to Berknich, Vincent and Charles go to the Castlebridge train station in Berknich. The train journey took them 45 minutes. They then went to St Elizabeth's Gakko after their train journey. Before Charles left to go school, Vincent told Charles that he would be living at the St Elizabeth's Gakko and they will only be able to see each other and his mother during weekends, holidays and special occasion. Charles was sad that he wouldn't be able to see his parents for some time. Charles then went to the Gakko to get registered.

When Charles got registered, he got send to his class. When Charles entered his class, he noticed something unique about it was mixed aged as children that 7,8 and 9 were in classroom. A teacher entered the classroom told Charles because he was new, that the Gakko has phases instead of years like regular human schools. "Each phase mixed Children who are of 3 different ages, phase 0 is for children who are around 4 to 6 years old, phase 1 is for children that are 6 to 9 years old, phase 2 is for children that 9 to 12 years old, phase 3 is for children that are 12 to 15 years old and phase 4 is for children that are 15 to 18 years old. At the end of each phase pupils of the Gakko will get a certificate for completing the phase and when a pupil completes phase 4, they get an option of getting on a medal, a pair of linen gloves and a top hat to go with your certificate. There is also no test except for the final exam when you are 18, homework is very rare, school last for about 5 hours and lessons only last 45 minutes with 15-minute breaks in between lessons. The Gakkou's nursery and university phases took place in separate buildings to avoid conflict" Explained the teacher to Charles. The Gakko had large options to choose from of what people wanted to learnlike science (including biology, chemistry, physics, psychology), cooking,music, art, literacy, maths, history, geography, physical education, and others.

From that Charles started his Gakko, learning more spells like the spell to speed up plant growth Mmea (Swahili for plant). Charles also started to learn more about potion brewing as Charles learnt new potions to brew like the potion of super smell that grants it user super smell for 6 minutes and the potion of healing a potion that allows it user to repair broken bones and heal wounds for 3 minutes unfortunately the potion cannot cure tumours and regrow lost limbs and organs. The Gakko gave its students to learn what they wanted Charles chose to learn spells, potions, maths, history, cooking and physical education which teaches children first aid,martial arts, archery, and survival skills. Charles of course visited his parents on weekends and on school holidays which were his days off. Charles just like his parents hate racism and sexism and vowed that once he is an adult, he will try to end it. On the 14th September the 3 volumes of Das Kapital written by Karl Marx were published, Charles would get all 3 volumes of Das Kapital as a Christmas present from uncle Klaus. The year 1867 was also the year that Canada became a colony of Britain. 

On the 18th March 1868 Charles celebrated his eighth birthday with his family. During his eighth birthday Charles got many presents mostly books and toys. In June Charles started his 3-month holiday as on June children at St Elizabeth's school are given 3-month holiday. on the 1st September 1868 Charles went back to school to learn more.1868 was also the year the wristwatch was invented. On the 18th March 1869, Charles and his family celebrated his ninth birthday. On the 10th May 1869, the transcontinental railroad is completed in the USA. In June 1869 Charles finished phase 1 and is given a certificate for it which put in a draw in his room. On the 1st of September 1869, Charles went back to Gakko and began phase 2. On the 2nd of October 1869, Mahatma Gandhi was born. On the 17th of November 1869, the Suez Canal is opened in Egypt. On the 9th of June 1870 Charles Dickens dies.

In the year 1871 Charles turns 11 years old and during his eleventh birthday, Charles and Vincent go to Berknich and went to Thornhill's Escoba shop since wizards at the age of 11 can get their Escoba. The woman who ran the shop is Catherin Thornhill, who makes Charles an Escoba with a detachable seat so that Charles can sit comfortably while flying and retractable wings to increase the aerodynamics of the Escoba. 1871 for the most was a nice year for Charles as Charles was learning more new skills during his time at Charles became fluent in Swahili, as some of his classes were in Swahili, Charles also learned how to use his Tarcza and learned a bit more about wizard abilities like Geist and Cero and he also learned about wizard artifacts like the European zodiac sphere of Greece and others. But during this year, 2 major events were occurring in Europe which was the German and Italian unification happing which both happening respectively. These events have officially formed the 2 countries of Germany and Italy.

On the 18th of March 1872, Charles celebrates his twelfth birthday with his family. In June 1872 Charles finishes phase 2 and gets a certificate which just like his phase 1 certificate he put into his drawer. During this month Charles begins his 1872 summer holiday but this summer holiday is going to be something very special. 

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