Chapter 39: Nibiru and Shinigami Origin

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Meanwhile back at the Yama. The leader of the Shinigami, Nibiru got the news that the prisoner escaped, he was angry so much so calls some of the people who were on guard duties at the prison and he sucks their bodies dry until they were nothing but dust laying on the ground. He then calls 2 people to enter his throne room. One of the men was white-skinned, bearded, and blond while the other was black and bearded. "You 2, I have located the 2 balls of power both of them in China" He hands them their co-ordinates to each of them respectively. After they leave, Nibiru starts to think about his life and what he has achieved.

My name is Nibiru, I am a former Mayan priest, I was born to a mother who didn't want me. As I was a product of rape. So my mother gave me up for adoption to the priests where I grew up. The priest raised me as there own and taught all that they including how to sacrifice.

Growing up I saw how cruel and rotten this world is. Especially when I saw the priests doing their ritual sacrifices it was horrible but over time, started to accept it as a cruel necessity that was said to help keep the sun because without them it would be gone. Finally, when became an adult I've officially became a priest and I started doing the ritual sacrifices almost every day.

One day when visiting someone's house, I found a page on how to make something called a philosopher stone, an object that could grant a long life. The problem was it required a lot of sacrifices, so that day, I told the priests to prepare for the ritual. By making ritual circles all around the main pyramid. The process took a few days to do but once it was done. The ritual to make a philosopher's stone was ready. I put my knife on the main ritual circle to activate the ritual. It was a spectacular sight as we saw, the souls of the people coming to the main ritual circle and forming a philosopher stone in the process, at the centre of the circle, their bodies became husks which would crumble to dust overtime. The stone was actually a blood-red crystal shimmering in its beauty.

When we first got the crystal, we decided at first to extend our lives by turning water into a life-extending and healing drink,  it can change any stone into amethyst crystals, revive dead plants create a lash field with them, and turn base metals like copper and iron into gold and create clones out of droplets of blood. But over time I started to dislike my fellow priests for their greed over the philosopher stone. So, one day I decided to swallow so no one could use it ever again as my fellow priests were just cruel, corrupt and greedy like the rest of humanity.

However, when I swallowed the stone, I felt a great deal of power inside my body almost as if I became a god. As the stone made my very strong and granted me the ability to suck out people's soul. I uses this ability on my fellow priests as I longer needed them. But then I noticed that after taking out their souls that I became even stronger. I then noticed that the more souls I absorb the more powerful I became. That day I decided that I would become a god, who can finally make a beautiful paradise free from corruption, pain, greed and suffering. I then began my journey by visiting other places like Japan, Africa, and Europe, meeting new people, learning about magic, Ningen, Gente, and Dobutsu, and absorbing more souls, it might seem cruel but it was necessity for me to become a god.

In the early 15th century, I founded a secret organization called the Shinigami which I got inspiration from during my time in Japan, the main base of Operation was secretly located in a Swiss mountain, I called this base Yama (Japanese for Mountain). The organization gave me a very loyal cult following, allowing for me to absorb more souls with their help.

As I started to became more powerful gaining new powers, as did my Shinigami. as later on more people started to join including Ningen so much so they got to be their own special unit called the Gaijin (Japanese for foreigner) I also made a special elite unit called the Żniwiarzs (Polish for reaper) . We even got our own army and navy, which were called the Zou (Japanese for elephant) and Kujira(Japanese for whale) respectively. The wizards of my Gaijin unit taught me about the balls of power which supposedly 1 of them could make someone into a God but they only appear once every 30 years. This would become a secondary goal in my mission of becoming a god which I would do every time they appeared. In the 16th Century, I met up with a man called Jengo Shabani, who got one of the balls of power that gave him eternal youth, super-regenerative capabilities, and the power to change into the Animal Giant an 18-metre tall being who could control regular animals. He would become one of my most loyal followers and generals of the Shinigami.

During the late 19th century, we discovered flight and this allowed us to make the official Shinigami, air force called the Karasu (Japanese for raven) and met up with the Dobutsu better known as the Jersey Devil who I gave him the name Apo and gave him a place in the Gaijin.

In the 20th century, I created the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse and met Abo better knows as the Mothman who became generals of my army.

In the late 20th century, we discovered advanced robotics and made 2 units of robots called the Vernichtung (German for annihilation) and the Vaca(Spanish for cow). We also discovered cloning allowing me to mass-produce more soldiers.

In 2010 I met up with a man called Bjorn Jorgensen who got the ball of power that gave him the powers of the Ice Giant.

But now is the year 2040, the year in which I will finally become a God thanks to a special ritual I did during my time when I was a priest however this time it will be on a much bigger scale as the world population is at its highest. Judgment day will happen sometime this year but now I have to focus my efforts on China. 

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