Chapter 43: War

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  Kevin and his group stared at the horseman sitting on his red horse. Tomek and everyone realised this must be one of the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse working for Nibiru that Przemysław, Sabin and Viraj mentioned during their fight with Famine when they were in that mine in China. Chris decided to shoot the horseman and the shoots dealt damage as they left holes in the horseman's armour and torso. But the horseman laughs at what has been as the holes disappear along with the wounds in a red flash of energy. "You've actually managed to penetrate my armour and hurt me, no one has ever done that before, but no matter you'll never able to defeat for I am the living embodiment of war" shouted the horseman lifting his sword proudly in the air. Kevin then launches a chain from one of his gauntlets which wraps around War's sword, Kevin then began to pull on the sword trying to take it out of his hands. But the horseman prove to be very strong so Kevin shoots out another from his other glove but it still so he can pull the sword of the horseman's hand but it still wasn't enough the horseman was just too strong. "Having trouble" snickered the horseman as then pulled Kevin towards him with an almighty pull then proceeds to headbutt his forehead the moment Kevin was close enough to him. Kevin retracted his chains and was pushed back towards his team who tended his head injury by healing it using magic.

Suddenly Kevin started hearing the horseman's voice in his head, this started happening directly after his recovery from his head injury. As if War go into his head because his started to feel immense anger towards his friends, especially Tomek because he was the cousin to his friend and rival Przemysław. War started planting thoughts that his friends have betrayed him and are only using him, that are fake friends and liars. Kevin Then tried to punch Tomek but Tomek immediately dodged the attack. " What is wrong with you, Tomek is your best friend," said an angry Fabina. " You're not my friends you are liars, you have used me because you enjoy seeing me suffer" shouted Kevin and began attacking his friends like a wild animal, his friends try to reason with him but it was no use Kevin so blinded by his rage and feeling of betrayal, his friends didn't want to hurt him.

Until finally Tomek decided to do the unthinkable and give Kevin a hug. " Remember all our moments together would a fake friend care about your well-being and happiness, remember that we will always be your friends as true friends stick together always, we would never betray you" said Tomek. Kevin then stopped attacking everyone " I'm sorry I don't know what came over me, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I've should have known all this" As Tomek, Fabina, Chris, and Kevin gather into a group hug remembering all their adventures throughout the years, the countries they have visited, the movies and tv shows that they were seeing together and all their best and awkward moments at the water park and school.

The group then quickly turns towards the horseman ready to end him completely. " So you've actually managed to overcome my conflict-inducing power, no matter I'll still have your heads" laughed War preparing to charge at our heroes. Suddenly Tomek began hearing a voice in his head it was sword once again talking to him saying that he unlocked his Krzyż's seconds second upgrade and was told to shout the words "Kak" so he did. Then Tomek's sword transformed from a sword into a giant hammer big enough to crush somebody's skull. Chris, Fabina, and Kevin looked amazed at what and how just happened but they were happy as now they stood more fighting chance against the horseman of war.

They all began to attack the horseman with the best attack they could master including the use of their Ceros. The fight was intense as War was a formidable combat with a sword and managed to deliver some severe cuts and rips on our heroes' clothes. But finally Kevin delivered the ultimate punch that finally defeated the horseman. The horseman gave out his final words " You've managed to defeat me but be warned my father and brothers will get you. You've won the battle but will you win the war" War finally crumbles into ashes, forever leaving this world.

After the battle, Kevin and his group quickly use their magic, to heal their wounds away. " Lets continue with our journey our friends might need us" said Kevin as he began running down the corridor and his friends followed. Meanwhile, Chris started wondering and thinking about his friends especially Morgen and his group how are they going to handle the Animal and Ice Giants respectively.

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