Chapter 13: 42 Years

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Charles and his family enjoyed the summer holiday until it ended on Monday the 2nd of September 1872. Charles went back to his Gakko in Berknich. While Mark stayed at home with his parents who hired a private tutor to help with his education, during Mark's study sessions Mark got interested in becoming a doctor, as he liked helping people in need. Charles was happy again to be at his Gakko to see his friends and teachers, the latest wizard technology, his mind was still set on ending sexism and racism, he was also happy to see a statue of one of the most famous wizards of all time "Merlin" which was built near the Gakko's entrance during his summer holiday. The month of September went smoothly with both Charles and Mark continuing to learn and Mark couldn't wait to celebrate his upcoming Birthday on 5th October. Augustus during September got a letter from Mary Elizabeth telling Augustes that she is fine, of course, Augustes was very happy about it and since then they started sending letters to each other in their letters they talked about their daily life.

Of course, the 5th of October finally arrived, and Mark was very happy to celebrate his 14th birthday this in a much better way. Queen Victoria and even Klaus and Violet of course arrived for the birthday. Klaus and Violet were eager to meet their new nephew. Of course, Charles managed to get there so he could celebrate his new family members. For his birthday Mark got bunch of books like Oliver Twist, Das Kapital and On the Origin of Species. Mark wanted to read these new books as his education improved his reading skills quite bit, so he wanted to improve them further.

The rest of 1872 continued normally for the Moad family with a typical Christmas and New Year's Eve that Charles we come to. As did most the 1870s for the Moad family though certain years were quite special for them and even the world. As in 1874 Britain gains 2 new colognes Fiji and Tuvalu, it was also the year in which Winston Churchill was born. As in June 1875 Charles completed phase 3 of his Gakko education and received a certificate for it, He also received a 2.20-metre-tall suit of armour from his uncle Klaus,  a big crate of amethyst crystals for enchanting items from his auntie Violet and 4 very special magic clubs from his parents, Charles put those special objects into his Kinko which he got for this year's birthday his other birthday present was a Sperren for his door and Llave to open it, of course, Mark would get his own Kinko, Sperren and Llave.

1876 was special year as the telephone and the microphone were invented on 10th March that year, Vincent and Rachel were happy that the Gente world finally managed to make the telephone and where pleased once their telephone was installed into their home, unfortunately mostly the rich and wealthy could have one but Rachel and Vincent knew that one day the rest of the world would have one. In June of 1876 Charles started his 3-month summer holiday, Rachel decided that they should go to Egypt the supposed place were the first wizards appeared. Of course, they did, and they went to Egypt on the 25th June they took Augustes with them as everyone deemed him as a member of the family, Vincent on that trip took a photographer to take good pictures of them when they were there. Of course, 2 weeks later they returned to London and the moment Augustes got back he wrote a letter to Mary and gushed about his trip in Egypt he even put one of the pictures of him in Egypt for her to see.

However, 1876 also had a news that was both sad and happy which was that Mark was going to Cambridge University to be a doctor in September. So, in late August the Moad family prepared a special goodbye party for Mark in which Mark received a bicycle from Rachel and 2 special magic sticks for protection from Vincent of course Vincent reminded Mark to only use them in case of emergency. Charles then made a goodbye hug with Mark and thanked him for everything, Mark then reassured Charles as he says " Don't worry I'll only be going to university for a few years and I will still come to visit you and everyone else on events like Christmas and anyway your time will also come once you finish your Gakko and started the university phase of it in less than 2 years' time, I hope you achieve the right skills and knowledge to fulfill your dream of getting rid of sexism and racism because with the right skills, knowledge and mindset anything is possible, you just have to believe in yourself" " Thank you Mark" responded Charles giving his older brother a hug. Once the 1st of September arrived Charles and his whole family with Augustes waved Mark goodbye once he started his journey to Cambridge University. The whole family even shed a few tears while waving goodbye. Charles started to think about what he was going to do once he started the university phase of his Gakko.

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