Chapter 2: Humans

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Millions of years started to pass and during those years the continents shifted many times many life forms like the tiktaaliks and the dinosaurs came and went due to events like mass extinction. Until finally came the animal life form that would dominate the whole planet in the future that animal species will call themselves humans. The humans were an intelligent race that made incredible advancements in science and technology starting with the Stone Age which lasted for about 3.4 million years. After that the humans advanced to the Bronze Age which lasted 1500 years. After that, the humans advanced into the Iron Age. 3 centuries after the Iron Age started for humans something incredible happened a lot of humans started to experience strong Seele. The high levels of Seele caused many humans to evolve into Elves, Dwarves, vampires, werewolves, and wizards. Each group had their own distinct features, abilities, and weaknesses. These 5 groups became known as the Ningen (Japanese for human). Regular humans became known as the Gente (Spanish for People). 

The first 2 Ningen groups were vampires and werewolves who are immortal beings who had weaknesses to silver. Vampires also had a weakness to garlic while werewolves had a weakness to lemons instead of garlic like vampires. Vampires can communicate and control bats while werewolves could do the exact same thing but with wolves. Vampires and werewolves have many powers and abilities like super regeneration and strength.

Another major Ningen group is Elves who are immortal and are eternally young. They have very good hearing and vision, and their favorite weapon is a bow and arrows so much so they are their national pride like the Finnish language. Elves especially males are the tallest and can be 1.8 to 2.2 meters tall. Another Ningen group is the Dwarves who are very strong and intelligent and have a natural life span of 350 years as they age much slower than regular humans, their favorite weapon is the axe as just like the Hungarian language it is their national pride. Dwarves are pretty short being 1.4 meters or less tall  

 The final Ningen group is wizards who unlike vampires and werewolves weren't immortals but they aged a lot slower than humans and have a natural life span of 550. Wizards don't start aging until the age of 350. The main abilities that all wizards have are of course spell casting and potion brewing but they also possess the 4 major abilities better known by most wizards as The Great 4 which are Tarcza (Polish for shield), Geist (German for ghost), Cero (Spanish for zero) and Chi (Japanese for blood). The wizards would later become famous for things like Atlantis and the Sword in the Stone. However, Atlantis and most things involving Merlin, King Arthur, and the sword in the stone would fade into myths and legends for almost all Gente. Except for the Ningen who would still remember these things. What is an interesting thing about wizards is that after they die, they will turn into a floating soul, for 4 hours before they ascend into Sąd, this bodiless soul can be bonded to an object like a suit of armor or a skeleton by a wizard through the art of soul-bonding which will be discovered and used many centuries later.

As time went by. 9% of all humans became elves, dwarves, vampires, werewolves, and wizards caused by strong Seele. As the rise of the Ningen was happening. Many vampires, werewolves, and wizards couldn't get along with each other due to their differences. This caused a 2-month war between many of them. This war ended with a truce between the 3 Ningen groups. The 3 Ningen groups agreed that it was better for them if they just left each other alone and did not interfere in the world of humans as much as possible. Though 1% of all animals besides humans also started experiencing strong Seele this gave these animals, enhanced intelligence and the ability to talk and think just like humans. These animals became known as Dobutsu (Japanese for animal). However, Some Dobutsu developed drastic mutations like becoming dragons, seamen(mutant humanoid fish, sharks, rays, or octopuses), kitsune, Pegasi, unicorns, alicorns, manticores, krakens, phoenixes, super apes, super cats, super dogs, super bears, super wasps, super spiders, super scorpions, super ants, and minotaurs. 

During the fourth century of the Iron Age, God decided that the universe did not need him anymore as he thought the world was progressing at a good pace. So, God decides to split his own soul into 12 pieces and leave them on Earth. The 12 pieces become the balls of power that appear once every 30 years in random locations around the world. They are small enough for humans to swallow, and it has been said that they grant humans special powers, however, no Ningen or Gente has ever found one until many centuries later but that's a story for another time.

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