Chapter 45: Pestilence

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Charles, Przemysław, and their group were walking down a very long corridor. During the walk, Sabin asks Przemysław why he calls himself Star Knight. " I call myself that as I needed a name that would symbolize hope, honour, freedom, justice, and democracy, after all, we all need hope for a better future and to find happiness. Happiness just like hope is the driving force that makes us want to live and never give up no matter the odds" said Przemysław as he marked, his final words by putting his right hand into a fist. "You know guys I don't fully know the full capabilities of my suit, how truly strong I am though, I know I can lift very heavy objects such as a fully loaded London double-decker with 1 arm, I hesitate because of my no killing and stealing rule, I follow it as I am not a god, and I find it wrong. Though that horseman was an exception as he was the living embodiment of famine.  A good reminder that sometimes we need to break rules in very desperate situations" said Przemysław. Sabin and Viraj agreed as they also had a rule against killing despite their great powers.

During the walk, Przemysław decided to reveal some minor powers of his suit including retractable claws on his gloves' fingers, handprint mimicry, and voice mimicry. Przemysław showed his voice mimicry power by mimicking the voices of popular celebrities like Morgan Freeman and David Tennant.

After 5 minutes of walking and talking our heroes arrived at a giant empty white hall and a long distance away was a giant metal door that was locked. As Przemysław was about to run up to the door with super speed and break it open with his super strength. Przemysław started to hear the giant metal door opening and behind the door, he heard the hitting of hooves and finally, the door opened and out of it came out a Samurai-looking horseman on a white horse with a bow and crown attached to his helmet. "None of you will come to my father, for I am Pestilence," said the horseman.

"You guys go ahead, I'll take care of this horseman, just like I did with the horseman of famine. It's time to unleash to the full capabilities of my suit" Said Przemysław clenching his hands into fists. Everyone except for Przemysław began running ahead to the next long corridor. As Przemysław began fighting Pestilence for a few minutes using the absolute power of his suit, the horseman shot fast magic arrows which he stopped by using water using his left glove Hyoga (Japanese for glacier) , the horseman was then suddenly attacked by a tornado of flames from behind him( of course Pestilence healed from all those injuries in a matter of seconds) . The person who created the flames was nonother than Sabin Jamil. " I'm not letting you die, not alone if I have anything to say about it, I do !" shouted Sabin trying her best not to cry while maintaining her tough tom boy deminer.

The battle was long and painful, where everyone in the room showcased all their powers. But finally, Pestilence was beaten by Sabin and Przemysław. It was a pure miracle they weren't infected with a horrible disease. But despite that our heroes were completely exhausted both physically and mentally from this battle. Sabin brought with her a small bottle of water which she was carrying in her trouser pocket since the start of the journey to the Shinigami base. Sabin drank half of her water bottle and then handed it to Przemysław who opened the mouth area of his mask as it was one of the mask's abilities to open up the mouth area when Przemysław need do things like eating and drinking.

After Przemysław finished drinking the water bottle, Przemysław and Sabin began to look into each other's eyes for more than 10 seconds and suddenly they had a long kiss and said in unison at the same time "I love you". "When did you start having feeling for me," asked Przemysław. "Sometime after we have become good friends, I like how you developed as a person, it was a very slow and gradual process. What about you?" said Sabin. "Same time, I also liked how you developed as a person" replied Przemysław. "So, are you ready to make it official, as in became a couple?" asked Przemysław with a slightly shy giggle. "Yes of course," said Sabin. "However, let's announce everything to everyone after this whole adventure," said Przemysław. "Agreed, right now is not the time," said Sabin. And soon Przemysław fully closed up his mask and told Sabin climbs up on his arms. "Let's get back to everyone, they are probably worried sick about us," said Sabin. Przemysław nodded in agreement and run as fast using his super speed as he could back to his group whilst holding Sabin in his arms.          

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