Chapter 11: Floor 3: Origin

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Charles and Augustes were climbing up the final staircase of the mansion it took them 3 minutes to get up there. When they finally got there, they notice a signal white door with the kanji symbol of water. Augustes took out his pocket watch again 35 minutes have since their fight with the Baker twins and Edward White. "Thank you, for everything laddie" said Augustes "You're welcome, but why are saying "said a perplexed Charles "All I ever wanted was to have a happy life. Ever since your family hired me to be their butler my life was mostly happy, I longer had to worry about starvation and homelessness thanks to your family, I sometimes feel like I am part of your family, even if I don't have their surname" Said Augustes "To me you always felt like a member of my family, my family couldn't ask for a better butler nor I for a good friend" replied Charles giving Augustes a big hug who intern hugged Charles. During their hug, Augustes let a tear out his left eye. Tear of happiness and feeling of acceptance.

They then stopped hugging "Let's get Cornelius Black, once and for all" said Augustes "By the order of the queen!" replied Charles. Augustes then armed his left hand with his trademark cutlery. He then slowly and carefully opened the door. The dynamic duo started to carefully walk through the door. They soon found long lighted blue corridor with painting representing the force of water, a small kitchen to the right and a small bathroom to the left. They later found another single white with the kanji symbol of water. "It's now or never "Said Charles taking a deep breath and slowly opening the door, fearing at what awaited behind the door.

Charles and Augustes then enter the room (the door itself closed itself automatically), the room was blue and filled with water tanks to the sides of the room and just like the corridor it had painting representing the element of water. Front of our heroic duo stood a desk. And in front of the desk stood Cornelius Black wearing his iconic outfit and carrying his trademark scale in his left hand. "You've got here pretty quickly and manged to defeat my friends, I could hear your fights from this very room, you are no ordinary human, but I shouldn't be surprised" said Black" Where are keeping the rest of the people you have kidnapped" said Charles "In the basement of this mansion, I'll give you the key to the basement as resistance is very futile to be honest" said Black. "That's good to hear" Said Augustes before being interrupted by an angry Black "Under one condition if you 2 let me tell you all my life story". "Why would we listen to a measly villain's story of his life" Shouted Charles. "I am the villain! tell me who the real villain or monster of this story is the villain or the person who made that person into the monster!" Shouted Black hit the desk very hard with his right hand which a made huge dent on it. "Alright tells us your tale" said Charles in a calm manor.

Black then began telling his story. It all started in early 1856 my parents died from cholera like many people in London at the time as the cholera outbreak was happening, I was 8 at the time. I was sent to an orphanage which I forgot its name because every time I think of it brings incredible psychological pain. The orphanage was for children like me who their parents to this horrible disease. The orphanage treated us very badly if we missed behaved, they would punish us every time we misbehaved like not respecting our superiors, not folding our clothes properly or not going to bed at 8 pm. The punishments include being beating with a long stick or worst cases scenarios being sent to the basement that was very cold during the winter and filled with vicious pesky rats running around the room. It was horrible I once remember being sent to the basement a few times the rats and winter chill gave nightmares and dread that I would never see day light or even live to live another day. Bullying was a common occurrence and the food was horrible, but this was better than starvation.

I luckily made friends Edward, Mark, William, Thomas and Samuel (who would later become Samantha). We become great friends however at times we were like a family as we often supported each through this hard time. We laughed, joked and played. This helped to keep our sanity for some time. But the bullying from older children, the beating from the adults like fat Harold Humbug, hag Mary Sowberry and skinny tall bastard Noah Claypot and the basement were too much and our friendship just couldn't save our minds.

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