Chapter 21: Things Change

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After the Human rights announcement, Charles published his report in a newspaper on the next day. The rest of the year was pretty much his usual daily routine of waking up, having breakfast which often bacon, croissant, and glass or cup of fruit juice, tea, or coffee. Charles often ate a lot of bananas, apples, and other fruits during breakfast and work break to get him through the day. Charles most started his job officially at 10 am, of Charles was allowed to take days which often holidays like Christmas, Easter and the 4th of July. Charles would often finish his work and come back at 6 pm or 6:30 pm. Once Charles comes backs from work, he did his usual home exercise which consisted of 30 squats, 30 push-ups, and 30 sit-ups he did these exercises as needed to stay in shape and be fit. After that, he would have dinner usually consisting of 1 or 2 slices of meat (often it fish, chicken, pork, or beef) and a lot of vegetables (potatoes, carrots, and asparagus), Charles often ate his dinner whilst watching television.

For Christmas 1948, which was Charles' day off from work, he decided to make himself Turkey with gravy sauce on it and coupled with carrots and potatoes. And for dessert, Charles had chocolate pudding with strawberries and blueberries. Charles was enjoying his Christmas usually he would be with his parents but they were busy and he couldn't spend it with Mark due to Charles begging biologically 25 years old though chronologically 88 years and his brother is 90 years. So, Charles had to enjoy this Christmas alone, which made him cry that he didn't have any friends at work sure he had co-workers he occasionally talked to but they didn't feel like friends at all.

On the 26th of January 1949, Charles was sent to the Palomar for an article on the opening of the Hale Telescope which was a major scientific breakthrough as it would help a lot better with studying space and cosmic events to better help with the understanding of the universe.

 Charles decided to also buy himself a book called The Hobbit which was published in September of 1937 so he would have more things to read.

On the 25th of June 1950 the Korean war began because, during the end times of World War 2, the country of Korea split into 2 countries North and South Korea. The 2 Koreas had different ideologies as one was influenced by the values and ideologies of the Soviet Union while the other by the United States. Charles published an article about the Korean War which he called "A Country In A Complete Divide" which became a pretty popular article in New York. In August 1950 wizards startedbonding some souls of dead wizards through soul bonding to vehicles like cars, tanks, and jets these vehicles can turn into robots called Pojazds( Polish forvehicle).

On the 18th of April 1951, the European Coal and Steel Community was founded and used by West Germany, France, Belgium, Italy, The Netherlands, and Luxembourg.

On the 7th October 1952, Vladimir Putin was born.

On the 21st of February 1953, the structure of DNA was discovered. Charles even when to London to make a report on it which he called "A Major Breakthrough in Science", he even managed to meet his brother Mark who was now very old as he was now 95 years.

On the 5th March 1953, Joseph Stalin, the leader of the Soviet Union died in his sleep and a day later he was replaced by Nikita Khrushchev who began doing things like renaming Stalingrad to Volgograd as he hates Stalin and most things relating to him.

On the 2nd of June 1953, Queen Elizabeth was crowned as the new Queen of the UK and the British Commonwealth. This was of course published by Charles for his local newspaper.

On the 27th of July 1953, the Korean war ended. But the political conflict between the 2 Koreas was not over.

On the 2nd of July 1954, World's finest issue 71 was released but this time the comic was now 36 pages instead of 68. This comic had Batman and Superman teaming up with each other in the story not just on the cover, and from that point the 2 heroes began teaming up on a regular basis. The team-up story made Charles happy as it was pretty fun to read of course he would keep collecting the comic until issue 100 as he felt he was no longer interested in it anymore.

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