Chapter 19: America

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It took about 2 hours during which our heroes had to give up their weapon but once they did the return journey was done our heroes finally returned to the Moad mansion in London.

The entire Moad family welcomed Charles and David with open arms as they prepared a very special dinner for them with a variety of different foods like corn, rice and chicken to celebrate their return. During dinner, they talked about how life is going for them and how everything was going for everyone during the war. During dinner Mark and Sarah told Charles with the end of the war women can now vote and work in places like factories this made Charles very happy as it meant that Women were slowly getting the respect, they truly needed but he knew that it would be a very slow process for women to finally get true gender equality but it was a step in the right direction. After dinner was finished Charles decided it was time for him to go and everyone said their goodbyes.

Once Charles got home, he changed from his military uniform into his pyjamas. He put his military uniform and gear into his Kinko the box in which his special equipment like his books, armour, Zauberstab and Escoba were in. He then decided to drink some tea near his fireplace whilst wearing a blue nightgown. As he was sitting near the lit fireplace drinking his tea, Charles started to reminiscent about his memories from the time he started going to St Elizabeth's Gakko to World war 1. As Charles officially went to bed the deaths of Jacob and Jason haunted him in his dream but he managed to get some good night sleep as a peaceful voice in his dream told him that everything will be all right and that he shouldn't worry about it anymore.

The next day Charles woke up to have breakfast which was eggs, bacon and asparagus. During breakfast, Charles decided that it was time for him to move to the US as he felt that problem with sexism has been somewhat dealt with as women can now vote and get better jobs in Britain, now his current mission to help end the racism that was currently happening there. But before he was going to move to the US, he felt like he needs to meet his parents after all he hasn't seen them in quite some time and of course.

So, he grabs a book, his Zauberstab and cast the necessary spells to get to Berknich. He, of course, goes through the usual procedures to get to Berknich and finally after some time he finally makes it to his parents who are very happy to meet him. Charles had tea and biscuits. As this was happening, they discussing all that was happening in their lives from the right to vote for women and Charles plans to move to America to what was happening in Berknich. Vincent revealed that he recently got the title of Wielki Przywódca recently and that the tile now means more than just a wizard who can speak English, German, Spanish, Polish and Japanese but now also a title for great, wise and respectable politicians or scientists, since he was going to be a diplomat for wizards and start new diplomatic relations between all Ningen groups. Charles was very happy that his father was planning to start a new diplomatic peace and collaboration between all Ningen will be something that will make the world a better place.

After all, was said and all the biscuits were eaten Charles decided it was his time to go but before he hugged his parents goodbye. Rachel brought with her a special suitcase inside there were 4 crucifixes and a somewhat thick disk that had a white and golden colour scheme to it, it also had a small red button at the centre of it and. Rachel warned Charles not to touch the crosses as once they are touched by a wizard, they bonded to him or her until their death. Rachel explained that the crosses are called Krzyżs, and these crosses once they bonded to a wizard can turn into weapons. Rachel tells Charles that he should only use them in case of an emergency. Charles then asks what the white disc is for. Rachel then explains that the final object is called Shinjitsu. Which is an object that has the same abilities as a Pi wizard (which is a wizard can detect Seele at a distance of 4km) but unlike a Pi wizard in telling the difference between a wizard, elf,dwarf, werewolf and vampire as they greatly struggle with it. "It also has secondary use," said Rachel. "What is a mother" replied Charles curiously. "the Shinjitsu when you press the red button, the object then releases an invisible truth field the size of an average room like this. The truth field will make anyone it in tells nothing but the truth, though it will give the person who activated it protection from the truth field". Answered Rachel. Charles then closes the suitcase. "Thank you, mother and father, for everything you have done for me," said Charles as he hugged his parents goodbye and left them. He then decided to go home. Once he got home, he put the suitcase containing the 4 Krzyżs and the Shinjitsu into his Kinko, and went to bed, being happy about his new gifts.

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