Chapter 33: Of Love And Planes

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The year of 2015 as started off as usually but a funny event happened on Valentine's Day. It was a nice Saturday morning. Przemysław's friends were at the mansion's cinema waiting for him as they a huge movie marathon for the weekend which started of with watching the original Star Wars and Indiana Jones' trilogies, today they were going to watch the Dark Knight and Toy Story trilogy. As Przemysław was walked down stairs, Emma Kelly was waiting for Przemysław and was holding something behind herself. "Hello Przemysław, Marvellous weather we are having" said Emma in very cheerful voice. "Hi Emma, it sure is, what that you are holding behind yourself in your hands" Asked Przemysław with curiosity. "It is a special calendar for you" answered Emma with a smile. Przemysław thought that it was a little too late for a calendar since it was February.

Emma then shows the peace of paper she was hiding behind her back to Przemysław. "I would like for you to marry me" says Emma as the paper she was hiding was actually a marriage registration form which had her full name signed on it but it also requires Przemysław's full name for it to be considered official and valid. "That's very funny Emma, but I am sure it is not April Fool's Day today" said Przemysław with shock. "This is not a joke, my future husband" replied Emma as she pinned Przemysław to near by wall as she tried to force him to sign the marriage registration form but Przemysław with his strength managed to break free and shouted. "NO! This isn't some story written by a hack male writer who doesn't know how to write romance, where 2 characters who have little or no chemistry and development, magically end up together because one of them was one sided in love with one, this isn't real love, I'm sorry," Przemysław then starts scribbling entire document "Here is what think of these relationships!" he said as he scribbled the document with up most rage and aggression until it was barley readable. "Now you see that's what happens when you try to force people to marry!" shouted Przemysław as he handed to document back to Emma. "You brute!" cried Emma. "I'm a brute you forced me to marry against my own will, sorry but you have to realise that your love to me is unrequited or one sided and that you should move on. Emma, I respect you as person and I know you will find someone who is right for you one day. Stand up and move on." Said Przemysław as he was leaving Emma to join his friends at the cinema. Emma stood where she stood as she started crying and think about the recent events that just happened.

Three days later, Emma came to Przemysław to apologise for what she has done and thanked Przemysław for the advice as she realised what she had for Przemysław wasn't real love. The 2 of them shook hands and forgave one another for what happened on Valentine's Day.

In May of that year, the series Green Lantern: The Animated Series aired it's final episode. This ended the series at 3 seasons. Also, during that Month, Przemysław started to get an interest in politics and languages in particular Spanish, German and Japanese, and Viraj got a brown belt in martial arts thanks to his intelligence.

On the 22nd of July, the summer holidays began for everyone, for this summer holiday, Charles and everyone went to US. During the time they visited the US, they visited places like New York seeing thing like the statue of liberty, Texas, California, Hawaii and Washington DC. This holiday ended on 30th of August as the next day they went to the airport but that day something amazing was going to happen.

As everyone was queuing at the security line in a New York airport. Przemysław who was queuing behind his best friend Jake, says. "Actually, the TSA which is the company in charge of most US airport security doesn't protect people from terrorist attacks" said Przemysław.

"I know airport security is annoying but they protect us from terrorist attacks" said Jake. "Actually, there is very little evidence that the TSA has ever stopped a terrorist let alone one with a bomb" said Przemysław. "Don't say bomb!" shouted one of the TSA guards. As both Jake and Przemysław were unpacking their stuff on to the airport metal detector, Jake then asks. "Haven't they stopped an attack". "Not that we know of, as they haven't stopped the shoe bomber and the underwear bomber, I mean these guys have a failure rate of 95% when they were tested in July of this year" answered Przemysław. "So, what prevent all the terrorist attacks after 9/11" replied Jake. "easy all the new measure we installed after 9/11, reinforced cockpit doors, the incentive that passengers need to fight back, and of course intelligence agencies that work to stop terrorist attack before they even happen like for example it was intelligence agencies that stopped a terrorist plot involving liquid explosives in 2006" After the scan was done, Przemysław then says "Check out what they confiscated and later posted in Instagram, most of the stuff is just junk". Jake then took out his smartphone and started looking at the TSA Instagram account. "Look that's a grenade" said Jake showing his friend a picture of it to him. "No that's just a vape in a shape of grenade, that's not dangerous" replied Przemysław. "That's a ninja dagger that's a weapon" said Jake as he showed a picture of it to Przemysław. "No that's just a replica weapon, a fake plastic copy of a weapon from the anime Naruto" replied Przemysław.

As Charles and everyone got on the plane back to Heathrow, UK, Przemysław during the flight explained to Jake about what is security theatre, the act of making everyone feel safe but not actually make anyone safe. Once everyone got back to their home in London, The Nadzieja group enjoyed their final days of their summer holiday before going back to school on the 3rd of September.

The rest of the year went pretty well as in October, Viraj managed to get a black belt in martial arts, however, Viraj still had the Dan ranks for the black belt. Also in December, Charles took everyone to Norway, to celebrate Christmas and New Year's Eve. The Nadzieja group all celebrate this year's achievements as New Year's Eve arrived especially Morgen and Hannah as they were almost done and ready for the ritual that was going to happen next year in February. The Nadzieja group watched the fireworks with happiness as the year 2016 arrived. 

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