Chapter 40: Famine

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Back on the flying bus our heroes are flying to China and talking about their lives. "I hope no else gets kidnapped, I hate to go on another rescue mission that is practically a rehash, that would be so predictable and uncreative storytelling "joked Przemysław as he was sitting near his cousin Tomek and best friends Sabin, Alejandra, Chris, Fabina, Jake, Captain Europe, Beetle, Morgen, Hannah, Kevin and Viraj, and as he was telling the story of how he, Beetle and Tomek saved Morgen.

The journey took about 12 hours during that time our heroes managed to joke and talk about many things. Alejandra even joked about whether Przemysław and Sabin are in a romantic relationship but both denied it saying they are just very good friends, since they both like anime, gaming, the education system and pop culture just like many people on board the bus. Also, during that time Sabin and Jake started practising their wizard powers, Przemysław was also practicing his self-defence skills in case another commando wearing a skull mask was to appear.

Finally, they reached a titanium mine in easter China. Our heroes split into 2 groups; the first group was going to investigate the mine as there supposedly is a ball power while the second group would fly to western China to find the other ball of power. Przemysław, Sabin, Jake, Alejandra, Beetle, Hannah and Viraj were in group 1 while the rest were in group 2, they also had communicators to keep in touch.

Przemysław and his group started walking towards the mine, however something was wrong as Przemysław noticed that near the mine there was a lot of dead bodies. Przemysław checked the bodies and found they have died recently a few minutes from starvation as they were very thin and looked skeletons. But Przemysław knew it must have been the work of the Shinigami. "Careful everyone I have a feeling the Shinigami are here, stay alert" Said Przemysław. Viraj held out his Krzyż and changed into a hand gun with 3 green jewels on the handle to prepare himself for the upcoming threat in the mines.

As they entered the mine, they notice armies of robots of 2 different types one was the size of average human male, had the marking V1 on its right shoulder, could turn it's arms into m16 guns, had 1 one red eye and some had a machine gun that could come out on to it left shoulder. The other type was 2.5 meters tall, was bulky, had the marking V2 on its right shoulder, had horns on his head like a bull, had 2 red eyes and was armed with flamethrowers, missiles and a jetpack. The Shinigami troopers mining here were possibly looking for the ball of power located here. Przemysław and his friends his behind a wall so they would not be found by the enemy. At the centre of the excavation was a black 2.10-metre-tall owl humanoid creature with bright glowing red eyes and sharp claws who was commanding a Shinigami trooper with a yellow stripe on his right glove and helmet, behind him were 2 Shinigami troopers who had white instead black, they had heavy armour on their arms and torso, one of them was carrying a machine gun, the other a rocket launcher. The creature called this trooper commander and he in return called the creature general. Przemysław remined himself of when he saw a Shinigami trooper with red stripes being called lieutenant back when he was trying to save Morgen. Przemysław noted that red stripes stand for lieutenant and yellow stripes stands for commander. However, both Viraj and Przemysław recognised the black owl-like creature that was called general to be the legendary Mothman.

"Wow the Mothman is real and is working for the Shinigami as a general, it hard to believe one of my favourite cryptids is real" Whispered Przemysław. "He must be a Dobutsu, honest after that has happened to us, after all that has happened to us during our adventure why should we be surprise at his existence "answered Viraj. Przemysław then uses his Seele detecting power and confirms Viraj statement that this creature is indeed a Dobutsu. Viraj then decided that they should stage a plan of attack, so Sabin decided she should start attacking the enemy using her Yoso wizard powers since she can control earth and metal like plasticine in the mine there is a lot earth and metal all around including the robots of the Shinigami.

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