Chapter 32: Secrets

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The year 2014, started of normally with a winter Olympic in Sochi, Russia which started on the 7th of February, but things, took a dramatic turn on the 22th of February. The day started off with, Przemysław looking for an interesting book, at the mansion's library. Przemysław them finds, a particular interesting yellow telephone book, which stuck out in an odd position. So, he proceeded to pull it out of the shelf, as he tried to do so, he noticed that the book was actually a secret lever. As the lever got pulled, the 2 bookcases (one of which had that mysteries telephone book lever) that were next to each other sided open like elevator doors. This revealed a dark tunnel with stone floor, walls and ceiling, and walls of the tunnel had torches attached to them each of them was 2 metres apart from each other. The torches lit up with blue fire the moment, Przemysław entered the tunnel.

After seeing this, Przemysław decided to show it off to some of his friends mostly Viraj, his cousin, Hannah and Morgen as he felt this might interest them. So, he closes the tunnel off with the special lever as that happens the torches without Przemysław's knowledge the torches inside the tunnel snuffed out. He then goes to see his friends more specifically Viraj, Tomek and the Freeman twins to show them, his discovery. It took him a few minutes to gather them all, but it was all worth it once Przemysław, showed the secret tunnel.

They all entered the tunnel and were all amazed at the fact that the torches started lighting up with blue flames the moment they entered the tunnel. They started walking to see where this mysteries tunnel would lead them to. They walked for about 4 minutes until they reached the end of the tunnel. Once they reached the end, they found a special room which also lit by these special magic blue fire torches. The special room was filled with 4 bookcases full to brim with books on history, biology, literature and magic, a special white circle drawn in the middle of the room, a cauldron near the circle, a chest and a 2.25-metre-tall suit of armour which was being displayed in the room.

"You know, I've had a feeling that Charles was hiding something from us, and I do like that our home has a secret room as makes our lives, more interesting" said Przemysław whilst massaging his chin pretending, he had a beard. "Let's look around and see what is to offer" said Morgen as he along his older twin and Tomek began looking around. "What gave you the idea that our guardian Charles isn't what he semes" Asked Viraj with curiosity. So Przemysław began telling Viraj and everyone else in the room about his life energy detecting powers, which activates every time he is in deep concentration and thought.

The gang began inspecting the whole room for about 5 minutes as they found out that things such as wizards, the sword in the stone and Atlantis might actually be real and not a work of fiction, but Viraj remined everyone that they don't know for sure if wizards are real or not without proper proof as these books could have false information. So, after reading bits of the read the books in the special room or chamber to be exact. Our heroes decided to leave the chamber and not return to it so as everyone felt there is no need to comeback to this room. As everyone began to leave, Morgen decided to stay a little bit longer, but he reminded everyone that he will catch up to them. But secretly he found a book which was of great interest which was, wizard knowledge condescended in one book. Morgen put the book underneath his shirt so that when he came out no one would notice it, of course, the moment.

He then went to his room and put the book on top his nightstand next to his bed which he always put his glasses both him and his twin sister Hannah suffered from short-sightedness and needed glasses to cope with it. After that Morgen began think for a few minutes about what happened in the secret chamber.

Meanwhile back in Morgen's room, Morgen began reading the book he found as it contained things detail information on things like Atlantis, the sword in the stone, Ningen, Dobutsu, Seele, finally spells, potions and rituals. The ritual ranged from creating Gemischts, soul bonding to inanimate objects like suits of armour and finally human resurrection. The human resurrection, contained a list of ingredients needed for the ritual and the spell which was needed to be said during the ritual. Morgen began writing a shopping list for the ingredients he needs which included large doses of water, carbon, salt and iron. Morgen decided to do this ritual as he wanted to see his beloved father again and no longer wanted to be an orphan. The problem with the ritual spell was that it was written in Latin just like the soul bonding ritual spell and both of these spells could only be done on a leap year close to midnight as, usually the condition was right for the ritual. After finishing his shopping list, copying down the ritual spell on to paper and setting a reminder on his calendar, he then hid the book and the paper with the shopping list and ingredients into the drawer of his nightstand.

Soon Charles called everyone for dinner but Morgen couldn't stop thinking about the human resurrection spell even when he got to bed, where he decided that tomorrow, he would tell Hannah about it.

The next day the Nadzieja group had breakfast and watched the closing ceremony of the winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia where it was announced that the next winter Olympics was going to be in Pyeong Chang, South Korea. A few hours after the closing ceremony, Morgan had a private conversation with his sister Hannah about his plan to resurrect their parents, he even showed the ingredients they needed for the ritual on the 29th of February 2016. Hannah was at first hesitant but Morgen convinced by saying something along the lines of "We won't know if doesn't work unless we try it," which convinced Hannah to try, as it wouldn't hurt to try at least. And from that day on Morgen and Hannah decided to find, all the ingredients necessary for the ritual in their free time. Meanwhile Viraj decided to learn martial arts to make himself stronger, and in case of emergency where he would need some protection.

In December everyone celebrated Christmas and New Year's Eve, Przemysław and his friends still thought about what they had early this year as they celebrated the coming of the new year 2015. Also, Viraj secretly discovered a new particle which he named the Patel particle after himself and they were either grey or purple. Also during that time Dimitriv and Ming began dating and announced theirrelationship to everyone.

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