Chapter 2

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As you stirred in the morning, you sat up, rubbing your eyes a little before shaking your head.

"Damn, I hate mornings..." you grumbled.

"If you had your way, you'd sleep all day."

"Hey, sharing a body is tiring!" You laughed.

Otis chuckled and you smiled, standing up, you quickly changed into your uniform and stretched once more before making your way outside.

As you left the castle, you found Levi stood with his arms crossed, leaning against a fence not that far away.

It made you smile as you remembered the first morning you walked with him. At first, you couldn't imagine doing that again, but now it was a routine.

Making your way over, you climbed up onto the wood and sat down while he rested his arms on the fence, staring straight ahead.

"Morning grumpy."

"Morning brat."

You smiled fondly and glanced down at him. Reaching your hand out, you placed it on his hair and played with a few strands.

"Stop.." Levi grumbled.

Although he told you to stop, you didn't, and he made no attempt to move your hand, so, you kept doing it.

"Tsk, annoying."

"I know you are."



The pair of you fell into a comfortable silence as you watched the sunrise.

Levi took his eyes off the horizon and gazed at you. The morning light hit your skin, reflecting of a few scars on your face, it made your eyes shine.

He kept his eyes on you for a little while, taking in every detail of you so he wouldn't forget it.

Once he'd captured the memory in his head, he turned his eyes away and back to the early morning sky.

"Hey Levi?"


"Do you think we can see the ocean one day?"

Levi stayed silent for a few moments before replying.


You smiled happily and nodded your head.

"That would be cool, I wonder what it looks like. What does the ocean smell like? Is it cold? Hot?"

As you rambled Levi smiled slightly to himself. You often asked questions like that, what things were like outside the walls, places you wanted to see and visit.

Though, he part of him doubted you would ever actually get to explore outside the walls properly, he would often like to think that you would. That everyone would. Because that would mean you guys had won. That humanity was safe.

While you rambled, Levi suddenly remembered something he was meant to tell you yesterday.

"There's an expedition in two weeks."

You snapped you head towards him and moved your hand in order to look at him better. Placing you hand on the wooden fence, you tilted your head a little.

"Why? Things are quiet, I thought we didn't need to?"

It was true, things had been quiet, so why would you need an expedition?

"To reclaim some lost land, Erwin wants to do this while it's quiet."

"Because it's safer?"

"Just because it's quiet doesn't mean it's safer idiot."

You rolled your eyes and climbed down from the fence, standing in front of Levi with your hands clasped behind your back.

"Well, I'll make sure to clean the castle while you're away! Cause you're a clean freak."

Levi flicked your head.

"I don't like mess."

Levi knew you would clean, it what you did when they went away. You had still yet to be approved for expeditions, even though you were healed, Erwin didn't want to take any risks.

"Who knows, maybe I can come this time!"

You really wanted to go on one, since you'd never actually been on one before, you wanted to go and play your part. To protect humanity, but yet you weren't allowed.

"Speak to Erwin about it."

You nodded your head and padded over to Levi, resting your head on his shoulder you pulled away a few seconds later.

"See you later short stack!"

With that you ran off before he could say anything a grin on your face.

First was breakfast, you'd eat as much as you could before Sasha could try steal your food, then you would do your chores, then you'd go hunt Erwin down and get on that expedition

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