Chapter 40

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You slowly stood, tilting your head a little bit as you thought. Your clothes melted into all black clothing, matching the tattered cloak you were wearing. The only thing that stood out was the bright pendant around your neck.

"I think I should, don't you?"

"Oh why of course, it's only polite."

You smiled a little, holding your hand out towards him. Micheal gladly took it, and the pair of you quickly found yourselves stood in Mirock.

People shrank back when they saw you. Micheal smirked at them all while you stared straight ahead.

"I suggest you show yourselves, I know you're all here." You called.

You were met with silence, sighed impatiently, you flicked your finger over towards a nice looking home, instantly it was caught up in black flames.

"Don't make me bring this whole town down in order to find you. I will do it."


You titled your head a little, Otis running around a corner. He placed his hands on his legs as he quickly caught his breath.

"Come away from him." Otis said gently.

You connected eyes with him, making him shrink back and shudder.

"Are you telling me what to do?" You asked lowly.

You could see the fear in his eyes, after all, he was standing against his ruler.

"As a friend, yes. You don't need to do this. It's not you."

"You don't know me very well then, do you? Tell me Otis, did you know?"

"Know what?"

"I was a demon all along?"

Otis opened his mouth then quickly closed it again, clenching his hands into fists as he took a deep breath before letting it out. His whole body slumping.

"I... I caught brief memories..."

You nodded your head, walking over to him, your first collided with his stomach, sending him straight into a building which collapsed atop of him.

"Consider yourself lucky." You growled.

"Enough of this!" Nathanael roared.

You spun around, there stood all the anchor to demons, including one who you hadn't met yet. You placed him as Oscar.

"You're not this kind of person!" Nathanael yelled.

"We understand you are angry my lady, but you must calm down." Mikami pleaded.

"You lies to me, twisted the story. Refused to tell me who I was. I may not have fought it back then, but I will now. What were you going to do, get me to defeat Micheal again and do the same thing until he returned?"

They all wore guilty looks on their faces.

"I was weak back then, I had used nearly all of my energy to fight Micheal. I'm not that weak now."

"You misunderstand the situation." Oscar spoke up.

"Please, enlighten me."

"It was the only way we could ensure Micheal would never rise up."

You scoffed and glared them all down, forcing them to turn away from your harsh gaze.

"I am not your puppet. How dare you treat me this way, have you forgotten who created you? I gave you what you wished for, each of your corrupted souls."

"Please hear us -" "quiet!"

The demons silenced, you walked back over to Micheal.

"I have had enough of you all. Your lies, excuses."

Clicking your fingers, pitch black chains wrapped around them all, dragging hem to their knees.

"I suggest you stay out of my way this time around dear demons, for I'm not as peaceful as I once was." You whispered to them, "pray you don't cross my path again, for I will not be as forgiving."

The chains let them go, and they all dropped to the hands as well. No one dared to speak a word.

"What about the humans you swore you would protect!?"

A crooked smirked made its way in to your face, you tilted your head a little at Lucan.

"Such trivial creatures they are, so fragile and weak. I have no interest with them anymore. I have better things to spend my time on."

"Like what?" Nathanael challenged.

You hummed and walked circles around them, like a predator circling its prey.

"I haven't decided just yet."

With that, you spun around, walking back over to Micheal who just grinned madly at you. His eyes lightening up with excitement.

"Come along angel."

"Certainly." He replied.

Just like that, the pair of you were gone, leaving everyone to stare what the chaos you had created in horror.

The rubble of a house moved, and Otis crawled out, blood coating his face as he frantically looked around. You were no where to be seen, and his heart dropped. What were you going to do?

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