Chapter 25

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You had spent the last few days, reading the the library of Lucy's castle, Mirock Castle.

Book after book you would swap places with Otis while you took naps and he carried on reading for you. All in all it was a good system you had going.

You researched the history of demons, angels, where they come from. Anything you could find really you looked into it.

"That's the last book." Amy said, placing it down.

She was the librarian, after she found you stacking books on the table she offered to help much to your relief.

"Thank you, I'll put them back when I'm done. Just write where they go."

"It's alright sweetie, just leave them on the table, either myself or Luca will put them back."

"You're too sweet Amy, really." You smiled.

She smiled back at you and left, leaving you to read and make notes once more.

"It's nearly time for you to sleep." Otis commented.

"Alright mother." You laughed, "I'm just kidding. Let me read some of this then we'll swap."

"Sure thing." He chuckled.

You leant back, book in your hands as you slowly scanned the words, taking each one in, carefully noting down anything you deemed important.

It didn't take long for Otis to demand you swap places, saying it for your own sake and well being.

"Alright, alright. I'll get some sleep, once we're finished we'll head to bed and we'll both rest."

"Sure thing."

Nodding to yourself, you quickly swapped places with Otis, high fifing him along the way as you headed to take a nap.

Otis was a faster reader than you, so he was following your lead, taking notes as he read.

The book was thick, so it definitely took a while, but he had finally finished just as you woke up.

Otis gathered up all the papers you had been writing down, then he started to neatly stack the books.

"Finished?" You asked.

"Yeah, go back to sleep. I'll bring everything back."

You made a noise of approval and went quiet again making him laugh.

Once he was finished Otis gathered the papers and left the library, quickly heading back to your room, setting them in the desk along side the other things you had been writing down and climbed into the bed.

He retreated back into your head, leaving you fully asleep now as he wondered about your mind like usual.

What woke you up was someone gently shaking you. You stirred and blinked your eyes opening, meeting the soft eyes of Lucy.

"Sorry to disturb you, are you finished with your notes?"

You sat up and rubbed your eyes, waking yourself up a little bit more.

"Yeah, for the most part. I've got notes on the history, demons and what they can do, deals between demons and humans, how to separate a demon from a human, angels too."

Lucy nodded her head and sat back on her knees next to your bed.

"Alright, I just wanted to check."

You nodded and she stood up, smiling warmly at you.

"Well, dinner shall be ready soon if you're hungry."

"Thanks, I'll come down soon."

She nodded her head and left.

"You up Otis?"

The demon never gave a response, so you assumed he was probably still asleep and left him too it. Grabbing your boots, you pulled them on and wrapped your cloak around you.

You stared the new clothes on your desk, Lucy had gave them to you, they were all black. From the trousers to the shirt and scarf.

You decided not to wear them, you felt like you didn't need to just yet, but part of you felt like you would eventually need them.

You nodded to yourself and headed down the hallway, smiling at everyone that you passed. It was a short walk to the dining hall, and when you entered you saw food being served so you quickly took your seat.

"This just arrived for you." Haden said.

He handed over a letter.

You took it and stared at it in confusion. The envelope was nice, something that royals would use or someone in the military like scouts or MPs.

You flipped it over, trying to decipher the writing on the front, but all it said was your name.

"Who's it from?" Lucy asked.

"I'm not sure..."

Opening it, you unfolded the slip of paper. For the most part, it was empty besides the middle that held one sentence only.

I will find you (Y/N), no matter what the cost or who I have to hurt, you can come to me, or I will make you.

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