Chapter 10

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The night was restless for you, no matter how much you tried you couldn't sleep.

"Let's swap places kiddo."


"You'll be exhausted if you stay up, if it's me staying up your body won't feel tired at all."

You nodded your head and swapped places with Otis, letting him have roam of your body as you sat down.

Otis laid there for another hour before getting up. You assumed it must've have been around 1am.

"Taking a walk?" You asked.

"Yeah, maybe it'll help you sleep."

You smiled and watched the scenes roll by. The hallway was quiet, the only sound was the footsteps and the creek of the door opened and closing.

Otis took a deep breath of cold air and sat not too far away from the doorway.

"Hey Otis?" You asked softly.


"I can't sleep still.."

"I can sing a song for you if you'd like?" He asked.

"You can sing?"

"I suppose I'm not the worst at it. I used to sing while working many years ago."

"Please sing for me..." you yawned.

Otis chuckled saying he'd think of one first. It took a few minutes for him to decide but finally he found one.

"Here's the story
Here we are
Falling forward into parts
Playing something into nothing
'Til we know it's not ours
All we have is..."

Otis has a soft voice, he didn't have a very deep voice, but it was still deep enough to add a smoothness to the song.

He stood up, and slowly started walking again, singing along the way.

"Something simple
All we know is
What's been gone
Going into some dramatic... static... pause
Whoever can leave here first
Wherever I see you hurts
Whatever I need to do
We try to tell a story
We write..."

Your eyes begun to drift shut, you yawned and laid down and placed your hands under your head  as pillow.

"Each other into our lives
But after all it's all
Just as thin as paper hearts
Take the sense of false direction
Take the words out of my head
Always hurt under protection
Always cut where I don't let in
Oh my mind
Just tried on patience
Oh my heart
Just lead the way
All my life has been a silent fight to be ok
We try to tell a story
We write each other into our lives
But after all it's all
Just as thin as paper hearts
We try to tell a story
We write each other
Into our lives
But after all it's all
Just as thin as paper hearts
We try to tell a story
We write each other into our lives
But after all it's all
Just as thin as paper hearts."

By the time Otis was finished, he stopped again outside the doors of the castle.

"(Y/N)?" Otis softly called.

He didn't get a reply and he smiled softly, quietly as possible opening the castle doors and slipping back in.

He started to make his way back to your room when he was stopped by Levi, Erwin, Hanji and Mike.

"(Y/N)?" Hanji asked.

Otis brought a hand up to signal them to stay quiet. Mike sniffed the air and shook his head.

"Not her."

"Otis?" Hanji asked this time, much softer.

"Otis?" Levi and Erwin asked confused.

"Yes. (Y/N) could not sleep, so I took over her body and helped her fall asleep. I'm taking us back to hers now."

Otis brushed through them all and quickly headed back your room. He climbed into the bed again and covered you up.

Going back into your head, Otis laughed softly to himself seeing you fast asleep on the floor.

Walking over he sat in front of you, lifting your head to rest in his lap instead of the ground and started to run his hands through your hair.

"It's so odd how looking over you has become normal." He mused, "but don't worry, I'm always going to look over you."

Otis lifted your head and shuffled down, resting your head on his chest this time as he closed his eyes, holding your head with his hand, ready to fight anything away that dared wake you

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