Chapter 37

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You kept the letter close to you at all times, you had sown a picture into your jacket in order to keep it safe.

Training with Lucan took at least two weeks, you stood before him, a small smile on both your faces.

"Thank you for training me."

You gave a respectful bow of the head and quickly straightened up.

"I appreciate you are wanting to try and bring Micheal down." Lucan bowed back.

"It's for the sake of my world."

Lucan smiled a little more and placed a hand on your shoulder.

"I have faith in you, remember what I told you."

"If I ever need anything, to call your name."

"Indeed, now pass me your hand and I shall lead you to Mikami."

You placed your hand in his outstretched one, and the pair of you faced the dark cave. Lucan counted to three, as soon as he reached three the pair of you walked over, stepping through and emerging on the other side.

Waiting for you was a smallish woman, long brown hair and bright blue eyes. She smiled sweetly at the pair of you.

"It's nice seeing you again Lucan, and this must be our young student (Y/N)?"

"It's nice to meet you Mikami." You nodded.

"I have been informed that Jasmin wishes to meet her next."

"And what of Oscar?"

Lucan sighed and shook his head, making you glance between the pair in confusion.

"I shall see if I can speak with him, in the meantime please proceed to train (Y/N)."

"Always so serious! Lighten up!" Mikami giggled.

"I will be taking my leave now, good luck."

With that, Lucan vanished and Mikami ran up to you, grabbing your arm and dragging you with her.

She was happier, brighter, she had flowers neatly decorating the place and the sun seemed to hit every inch of the mountain side.

"Ya know, I admire you for what you're doing!"

"Why?" You asked.

"Because no one dared to stand up to Micheal, and us older demons can't. So for a human to gather the courage to learn everything they can in order to do it is admirable."

"I just have things to protect..." you mumbled.

Well, there's nothing wrong with that. I think it's a good thing to have things you want to fight and protect."

You smiled weakly and nodded your head.

"Well, as the demon of light. Unfortunately there isn't much I can teach you fighting wise, but I can teach you more medical based skills."

She sat down on the floor, and you copied, crossing your legs as you watched her.

"Anything you can teach me would be really useful."

"Let's get started then!"

Learning with Mikami didn't take very long, only a few days at most. She taught you how to quickly heal your own wounds, how to heal the wounds of others. It was all she was really able to do, besides cash light which she also taught you.

"Now it's time for Jasmin~" she sang.

At the mention of the demons name, you were taken from the mountain side to a large open field covered in threes and flowers. Deer in the distance and birds flying in the sky.

"Beautiful..." you whispered.

"You called?" A soft voice spoke.

You turned around, behind you was a nice wooden cabin, and stood not that far away was another woman. She had the stature of a teenager. Short blond hair and bright green eyes, a flower crown sat atop her head.

"I've brought (Y/N)!" Mikami smiled.

"Oh... Unfortunately I'm not a fighter... I can't teach you anything... but you can rest here..." Jasmin whispered softly.

"Thank you."

She smiled back and pointed to her home.

"Make yourself comfy... I'll make you some tea..."

You smiled at the shy demon and gently walked past her, scared that if you acted too quickly you'd frighten her.

For a demon, she was probably the most timid of all the ones you had met so far, though one of the kindest.

Your body was exhausted. Learning so much in a short amount of time took a toll on you, but you knew it was worth it.

Instinctively your head went to the pocket with the letter, a soft smile on your face as you entered the home. Hopefully it would be okay

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