Chapter 21

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"She's gone," Draco stated obviously, cussing under his breath.

"I'm so confused. She can't stand flying, I didn't even know she had a broom!" Georgia added, perplexed.

"A gift from Lucius. The Malfoy family have played quidditch for years, he wanted her to take it up but she's always refused to." Draco explained.

"I don't understand." Georgia shook her head in disbelief, leaning up against a pillar. "Let me see if I'm getting this right, you and Draco are Death Eaters?!"

"Well I guess we can't deny it now." Adele sighed. "Not intentionally G, this was forced on us."

"And because of that - you pretended to hate us all?"

"Only to keep you safe!" Adele defended.

"And Voldemort commanded you to kill Ki?"

"Not Voldemort, my father." Draco interjected with a deep sigh.

Adele turned to her boyfriend, her straight tone not undetected by him or Georgia. "Why would he do that?"

"And why couldn't you just say no?" Said Georgia.

"I did say no, hence the Hufflepuff murder. He told me she would suffer either way, this was the punishment. The Death Eaters found out about her research concerning the Dark Lord, thanks to Nott. I thought they'd all drop the matter after we'd hexed her, but apparently our coercing was insufficient. Lucius said the 'board' had agreed she needed to be disposed of and that I had to be the one to do it. Magically speaking I had to do whatever he ordered. We made a legally binding treaty with my father which essentially stated that Adele and I could stay together, untouched, as long as we obey orders and I receive the dark mark. The deal also stated that no harm would come to the people we care about unless any Death Eater had authority over that person by blood. When he added that as a clause I thought it meant that if Goyle's parents wanted to punish their son for example, and ordered us to give him a knock about, we would have to comply. I didn't think about the T's and C's until yesterday, realising that Lucius already had the upper hand because he had authority over Ki by blood according to that decree. So it overruled the law of not harming any of the people we care about. It's my fault really, I was so desperate to be with Adele, I didn't take the time to consider any loopholes. He knew I wouldn't ever agree to his command though. He didn't want to hurt her, he just wanted to break off the contract. I think that was his real motive, to split Adele and I up. He got what he wanted the minute I got the Dark Mark, so the deal was futile to him."

"But he did hurt her, he killed her best friend and now she hates us!" Adele yelled in frustration, biting her nails viciously. She couldn't help but feel responsible for her best friend's grief. Instead of working things out initially and formulating a plan with her to get out of her predicament, she took the route of cowardice. How was Kiara ever going to forgive her now? She didn't think she'd ever seen her so manic.

"It sounds incredibly insensitive but it could be a lot worse." Draco looked at her pointedly as he placed his hands calmly in his pockets.

Adele narrowed her eyes at him. "How did the Death Eaters even come close enough to the school to kill Cedric?"

"They must've found a way in. I foolishly thought they wouldn't dare to make a public appearance, forgetting they already had. At the quidditch World Cup they terrorised the terrain, even with maximum security. I think it's safe to say the Dark Lord is going to do whatever it takes to get Harry Potter."

"Am I the only one who hasn't forgotten that we need to go and find Ki?!" Georgia huffed.

"Oh crap, you're right, we need to know where she went." Draco replied, beginning to walk in the direction of the courtyard.

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