Chapter 25

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"Right," Kiara began, scribbling incessantly on the chalkboard that was propelled up behind her. The five watched her pace the room of requirement tiresomely. Their first day wasn't as horrific as they'd anticipated it to be, but they now found themselves mentally and physically exhausted from the after effects of it.

"Malfoy, what information did you find out from this afternoon?"

"It's the first day, Val. What were you expecting exactly, Riddle to read me his diary?" He scoffed.

Adele gave a quick glance to her ex. His sunken in eyes and slightly ruffled hair had suggested he'd taken the breakup pretty hard. She attempted to swallow down her guilt with a sip of some water from her glass. Placing it on the table next to her she nudged Georgia, did Kiara just suggest that he had been with Riddle today?

Kiara froze, turning to her cousin.

"You are brilliant Draco, his diary! That's going to be your task. You need to find a way to get into his room and plunder the object."

"Val, what on earth are you talking about?" He asked, his tone laced with aggravation.

She groaned, a frustrated huff leaving her pouted lips.

"Must I tell you everything? Tom Riddle's Diary was cursed and destroyed by Harry the year the chamber of secrets was opened. That tells me that wherever the book is in this present day, it holds some form of power. I'm asking you to retrieve it, and in the process of that you can keep an eye out for anything that seems out of the ordinary whilst you're out gallivanting with his cronies. Make sure to stay on Riddle's good side Draco, he's best kept sweet. GEORGIA!"

She clapped at the Hufflepuff who had dozed off in her chair. Georgia jerked, instantly straightening up.

"Ki, I'm knackered. Can't we please just go to bed now?" She groaned.

"What is wrong with you people?!" Kiara asked incredulously, flailing her hands in the air. "Am I the only one here who doesn't want to see countless innocents murdered?! Who wants to save my family and friends from inevitable harm?! Have you forgotten those who have suffered at Voldemort's hand? Harry, Sirius, Neville, Cedric?! Are those all just names to you now?!"

The group shared a few glances and shook their heads in shame.

"Of course not Ki," Georgia mumbled.

"You're right Val, we're sorry. Go ahead." Fred apologised in a quiet tone.

She returned to her calm composure and huffed, directing her wand to a column on the chalkboard.

"G, you will be our Gaunt family finder. I want you to gather every ounce of information you can about them. Where they live, any distant relatives, the lot. Currently Riddle is unaware that he will even need an alibi so we have the upper hand in the element of surprise. We already have a motive, we know he hates his muggle side of the family, we just need proof. If I'm remembering correctly, (and she knew she was) he killed his father, grandfather and grandmother," She said, pointing to their full names that were individually written out in cursive on the board.

"He framed his uncle who willingly took the fall for it." She frowned at the ingenuity. "My guess is the imperious curse was used to manipulate his uncle into taking responsibility. We're going to need the tribunal papers from court, it might help support our theory. You can request them from the ministry of magic if you go under the alias of 'Peter Banks'. Got it?"

"Who on earth is Peter Banks?" Draco asked, crinkling his nose distastefully.

"Assistant head of the department of magical law enforcement in the ministry. He's currently on sabbatical with his family in Devon and will not be returning for at least another six months."

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