Chapter 29

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"Why did you come to pick me up?" Kiara asked her cousin with a huff as the two walked back to the Ravenclaw tower.

"You didn't think I was going to leave you all alone with Riddle and company, did you?"

"We're meant to be hating each other, remember? What about you not wanting anything to do with the plan, you no longer standing for my orders, or wanting to be a - what was the word you used? A puppet."

He rolled his eyes as he gave her a playful nudge.

"I never said I wanted nothing to do with the plan, I said I'd be contributing to the cause in my own way. Besides, we didn't stop being family after that little fall out. If you think I'd leave that monster alone with you then I for one feel insulted,"

"You could've fooled me Draco, you've been ignoring me for weeks."

"That's minor for us, is it not? Considering most of our years at Hogwarts together. I find your lack of faith in me quite concerning." He sighed.

"Still, now we can't use the element of family hatred to our advantage."

"Really? You're still on that? I highly doubt Riddle was ever going to be fooled, you are my cousin after all."

"Have you spoken to Adele?" She digressed wistfully, glancing over to be met with a dubious expression.

"Next question." He replied, refusing to meet her eye.

"Just as well," She grumbled under her breath.

"How was the meal? Did you have fun?"

"I did actually. I discussed current politics, made a few friends, even invited some Gryffindors round for tea. Next week I'm going to hogsmeade with the head girl for dress shopping with a few of her acquaintances."


"No, you blithering idiot. You know we're only here for one thing. I wasn't there to have fun, I was focused on the task,"

"Why am I not surprised. And? Did you find anything of use?"

"Only a few titbits, nothing of substance. But I think my being there aggravates Riddle, so naturally, I'll keep going to as many functions as I'm invited too."

"And you say you're the black sheep of the family."

Suddenly Kiara halted as her vision was seized. She attempted to move, engage, but was completely engulfed as she could only witness the scene in-front of her.

She saw a graveyard, a statue, a cauldron, Harry.

A small, podgy looking man came out of the darkness, hair unkept, eyes bulging, carrying a small alien-like being. Her uncle there, eyes murderous. She glanced to the right and then she saw it.

It was all happening so fast; Cedric blown back by the ultimate unforgivable curse, wide eyed and unresponsive. Kiara opened her mouth to scream but no noise departed from her, She looked back to the rodent of a man who laughed venomously.

He walked towards the pot, seemingly unaware of her presence, letting the alien-like creature fall into it. He sliced off his own hand, casting some sort of enchantment over the potion. He then turned to Harry, slitting his arm to transfer his blood into the cauldron also.

Almost immediately it transformed into a hooded figure. Piercing blue eyes opened, staring directly into hers, two slits in the replacement of a nose and reptile grey skin stood tall. It had the form of a man, the appearance of a monster.

She attempted to shake herself back into reality but all she could do was watch as he glided over to Harry, who was strapped to the gravestone, unable to move. His finger touching Harry's forehead, Harry screaming in pain.

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