Chapter 40

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"What is up with you?" Draco asked, watching as Kiara glanced impatiently around the room, her leg had been nervously shaking for a little under ten minutes now and Draco had reached out his hand multiple times to try and stop her but it was no use, she was too frustrated to care if it bothered him.

"I just want to know where on earth our sodding teacher is," She said, swatting him away.

"Mr Peters quit last week-"

"Yes, I know. Whoever the replacement may be I wish they would just turn up so I can be put out of my misery."

"Why does it matter?"

"Because I don't know, Draco. I don't know who it is and you know I hate being out of the know when I feel like there's something I should know but don't-" she rolled her eyes like she was on the verge of a grandiose speech, an incomprehensible speech be that as it may, but a speech all the same. She kept repeatedly slapping at her legs comically as though she had dosed herself with an unhealthy amount of liquid luck but far less relaxed, much more frantic. Malfoy, ever the loving cousin though he was, was still unfortunately male, and thus had no idea of how to calm his temperamental cousin, mainly because he couldn't work out what the real problem was though was able to deduce that there was indeed a real problem, so instead took the sensible option of attempting to fix the problems she voiced in real time. A great plan, he commended himself.

"Okay yes, yes, I know, I've got it. Just think about something else then, alright? What happened with you and Riddle?"

She jumped at the mention of his name and turned to him, eyes narrowing with flecks of spite and breaths suddenly laboured.

"Riddle- what? Nothing. Why would you ask that?"

He was watching her strangely and attempted to tread carefully. "The other day? You went for a walk, didn't you? I just mean did anything... helpful come from it?"

"No, no, absolutely not." She shook her head and  began to shuffle her parchments just to have something to do. She could see from the corner of her eye that her cousin was still observing her minutes after. His attentiveness was unnerving and the timing was awful. She realised she would have to answer him better than she currently was but every time she opened her mouth her words came out as though she were a discombobulated parrot with a hyperactivity disorder. Her best poker face would have to do but she couldn't leave him with nothing to go off of, he was suspicious enough.

"It was just as unfruitful as always. You know Riddle, ever the evader."

"I suppose," He replied. Perhaps not such a brilliant plan but at least there were no casualties. At this rate in his complicated relationship with his cousins slow descent to madness, he had to consider that a win.

"Right, class!" Said an unrecognisable voice. It came from an elderly looking man who carried himself with a hunch. He made his way to the chalkboard and wrote out his full name in big bold lettering.

"My name is Professor Staples and I will be your transfiguration teacher for the foreseeable academic year. In my classes I expect reciprocation, punctuality and order. Failure to meet any of these requirements could result in disciplinary action!"
He used a small handkerchief to wipe his spectacles before putting them back on to his rodent-like nose. He twitched it like he had whiskers that bothered him. Perhaps he did.

He reminded Kiara of the white rabbit from 'Alice in Wonderland', though there was nothing rushed about Professor Staples. In fact there was a warm sense of leisure about him. Apart from the straight tone he seemed a relatively likeable man, bright blue eyes hidden behind the fateful wrinkles of age, prison bars of time that could've hinted at a once attractiveness and youthful vigour.

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