Chapter 34

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Riddle was furious, to a hellish extent.

As soon as dinner in the Great Hall was over that Monday evening, he immediately stopped Kiara before she could walk towards the Ravenclaw tower. He waited until the students had passed on before dragging her into a secluded hall.

Kiara would never admit it but despite knowing beforehand that he was likely to approach her at some point, she was actually caught off guard by the ambush. She was too deep in her newest find of horcruxes to even remember that it was Monday.

Regardless, she wasn't intimidated, and was thankful she had remembered to take her emergency potion and hoped that if he did happen to kill her, he would at least be quick about it.

She wondered where the RDL had gotten to and questioned why she had allowed herself to become so easily accessible to him. It wasn't even that late.
Still, he surely wouldn't act so rash. Especially not at this point.

Then again, his victims certainly died for less.

Stalling would just have to do, someone was bound to come around the corner at any given point considering it was only just after lights out.

"Hello Riddle, if you've come here to tell me you have a crush on me, you should have caught me at breakfast. You know that students are not allowed to wander the halls after curfew,"

He towered over her and her head bumped the wall behind as he came closer.

"Where is it?" He whispered but it wasn't a question. The threat was ambiguous in theory but clear as day to the Ravenclaw who saw through the mystery of his tone. The corridor was completely dark, the only source allowing them to see each other being offered by the moonlight through the squares of the window and glistening their skin.

"Just do it." She whispered back after taking a quick glance to her left and right. "If you're to kill me just get it over and done with please."

He pulled back, slightly baffled and taking a moment to glance at her in genuine curiosity.

"You think I'm going to kill you?"

"Wouldn't you?"

He hesitated, as if weighing up his options, tilting his head slightly, he didn't break eye contact.


"So what's stopping you? I won't give you what you want and your pride will not allow you to stay anything other than true to your threat, whatever my repercussion may be."

"My threat need not see its end. Your not returning of my property is not an option, I'll break into your dorm and rummage through till I find it myself."

"Seems a bit exaggerated, no?"

"I'd search every inch of you now if I believed it to be on your person."

"So my observation was correct! Why didn't you just tell me about this crush of yours? It would've certainly explained a lot over these past few weeks. Although you have to work on your flirty eye Riddle, it comes out rather murderous."

Now she's a freaking comedian.

He attempted a smile but it came out more sarcastic than intended.

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