Chapter 1

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The vacation in the Northern Territory had been both memorable and undeniably necessary. Adele had returned bronzed and glowing, unable to contain her excitement of returning to Hogwarts. It had been strange for her to neglect using her magic all summer and dwelling among muggles, she was more than prepared to return.

With O.W.L.S approaching she had sworn to herself that this year she would not get distracted. It had always been her dream to become a magizoologist and there wasn't a chance she'd risk forfeiting that.

She struggled to manoeuvre herself through the swarm of students that filled the train platform, attempting to locate her friends that cold september.

Perhaps she would see if she could spot the golden trio instead, or at least someone from her year. She recognised the side profile of Cedric Diggory but cringed at the thought of approaching him. With only one more minute to go, she gave up and boarded the train.

She noticed that there seemed to be a lot more first years than she had ever seen in previous years. Maybe she'd never taken the time to notice, it wasn't something she'd stopped to consider before. Or perhaps their antics was less tolerable without the company of her friends to occupy her.

As she walked down the train passage, she noticed a small blonde first year, snivelling in a dismantled piece of tissue. She sat in the carriage alone, feet dangling off the edge of the seat and hovering over the floor. Her blue eyes were welled up with continual tears that were falling from her face onto her lap. Adele couldn't help but stop. She pitied the girl, she looked so helpless sitting all alone and clearly distressed.

Contemplating whether to continue, she hesitated, unable to muster the will for another stride. Without a second thought Adele pulled open the carriage door, deciding to sit with the stranger.

"Hello," Adele smiled at the girl.

The girl looked horrified. Her mouth agape and quivering, her face turned pale and her cheeks burned scarlet.

It didn't bother Adele though, she knew that being timid wasn't easy. She recalled that her own first journey to Hogwarts fell under similar circumstances. She reached into her bag, searching for a pack of fresh tissues. She retrieved a few, as well as a packet of Bertie Bot's ever flavour bean, to which she offered to the girl generously.

The girl took a single tissue, shaking her head at the beans and began to wipe her face with vigour.

"What's your name?" Adele asked, sitting back on her seat as the train started to move off the platform.

"Susan." She whispered so quiet, Adele couldn't be sure if she had quite heard her right.

"Susan?" Adele clarified. "Pretty name. I'm Adele, my friends call me Deli." She shook her head as the train horn sounded. "It's a lot right? The screaming kids, the engine, first time away from home I take it?"

Susan nodded with a sigh.

"I just have my owl now and I'm scared. I don't even have brothers or sisters here." She said, timidly.

"That's okay, I didn't either when I came for the first time and I got on just fine. But if you'd like; I can be your temporary big sister while you're here. Is that better?"

Susan's eyes lit up with pure joy. "Yes! Yes please Adele."

"Of course, in fact," Adele retrieved her wand from her boot, waving it in the air with a dramatic swish, causing Susan to giggle.

"I now dub thee, Susan, official little sister of Adele Darwin. You may now come to me for any fears, concerns, and sisterly issues. Not for pocket money though, your girl is broke."

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