Chapter 15

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Christmas break, Malfoy Manor.

"It's just so bleak you know?" Said Kiara, cutting into the turkey on her plate. "All I'm saying is that next year we consider a green tree. None of this white with black decorations nonsense, it's like a funeral let alone Christmas. Although we might as well be dead considering the amount of life our holidays are filled with."

The Malfoy family were all sat together at a long marble furnished table, eating Christmas dinner. And as usual, Kiara's chattering filled the silence for all of them.

Their house elf, Trixie, came over to everyone individually at the command of Lucius to pour gravy on their plates.

"Thankyou," Kiara smiled at the elf when she had reached her.

"Kiara," Lucius tutted. "What have we told you about showing gratitude towards the help."

"Oh yes, of course." Kiara nodded wistfully and turned to Trixie. "How very rude of you to bring me gravy at my uncle's demand, you're dismissed."

The house elf stifled a giggle, too afraid of Lucius to show her true reaction. Her ears flopped down and her beady eyes widened, expressing an unsaid but mutual understanding.

Lucius sighed, returning to his food, knowing it was a useless task to try and win with his niece.

"How have your studies been this term Draco?" Narcissa asked fondly. "We know yours are as excellent as always Kiara, we've heard wonderful things."

"They've been alright, I enjoyed divination this year." He replied politely, taking a sip of wine.

"Can't relate," Kiara grumbled, munching on a Yorkshire pudding.

"Professor McGonagal said you were ahead for transfiguration this term niece," Lucius interjected, he was slicing his turkey slowly, precisely and his words were just as cutting, just as deliberate. "It's such a shame that those achievements go to waste in a house like Hufflepuff."

"Come now Lucius, not at the table." Narcissa whispered.

"Did you get a chance to look at the educational texts I sent you?" Lucius continued.

"Oh yes Uncle," Said Kiara, rolling her eyes. "I especially loved the book that covered how it is a futile existence for all who aren't born a pure blood. And the article that specifically discussed how much of a waste it is to have pure bloods placed in any other house than Slytherin, I found that one was especially thrilling."

"Don't take offence dear," Narcissa dabbed at the corners of her mouth with a napkin. "We just want the best for you,"

"No. You want me to change until I fit into your perfect little mould. Until I'm a Malfoy that's wearing green and bleaching my hair blonde." Kiara replied bluntly.

"All we ask is that you think about permitting us to change your last name. And when he returns, if the Dark Lord sees you as a loyal Slytherin, you can join us in safety, in unison. You can be his ally, just as Draco will be. If he believes you're our daughter, as you are, you could be safe from his resentment of your years of survival. He would never have to know."

"I don't care about being safe, Uncle. I was born a Valentine and I'll more than likely die a Valentine. I'm not changing my name just because you're a coward who doesn't have the stomach to admit to his master that he raised a girl who was meant to be dead fourteen years ago."

"It's not impossible to switch houses now, that Hufflepuff girl proved it, it's a perfectly normal happening these days! You would just have to change your character slightly."

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