Chapter 35

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She was walking through the corridors rather aimlessly. Exhausted, lethargic to the max, and thoughts working on overtime. There was nothing else the library had on horcruxes. The only indication of anything horcrux-related was an empty spot next to the manual that she had found the week prior. She had scanned that particular section of restricted books meticulously since she had arrived and had never seen what was originally in the gap.

She suspected it to be in Riddle's possession. It seemed rather ironic, that the thing preventing her from excelling in her task further was an overdue library book. Still, that was the least of her problems. The pressing issue was how they were going to stop Riddle from making the horcruxes in the first place, before he was imprisoned. The hows and whens on destroying them was more of a plan b to be conscious of. It was either that or find incriminating evidence fast, but her word and a few snarky remarks from the knights of walpurgis were simply not enough to incarcerate him.

She had sent members of the RDL on a quest to keep an eye out for the items that Riddle was planning on using to split his soul, hopefully the chamber contained some clues as to where to find them too. If the diary was one, her guess was that perhaps there was a necessity of sentimental value to correlate with creating a horcrux. Or maybe it was Riddle's choice to use them as a shrine to his mortal life, a dedication of death to the little morality he possessed.

If he possessed any. She couldn't help but think over and over on how he let her get away with something he had made clear there would be a repercussion for. Kiara was unclear on whether or not this was still pending and she was waiting for something far worse than she had previously anticipated.

Still, something told her about the way Riddle had miraculously missed her in the corridor all week, and the way he avoided her eye whenever they did see each other that perhaps he was just as ashamed for not acting on his threat as she was as shocked he didn't.

But why?

That was the million dollar question, the one that pounded her brain at night as she would attempt a good night's rest. The one she would find herself scribbling over and over again in her old notepad, creating spider diagrams for, listing a multitude of possible reasons, something that made sense as to why he had let her walk away, why he hadn't mentioned it when they did cross paths the evening after.

She braced herself that Tuesday as she saw his figure approach, preparing for a blow that never came and watched as eyes fixed forward and a posture as rigid as ever walked straight past her like she was nothing more than a portrait.

He was avoiding her.

Surely Riddle wouldn't be that calculated with his fury? He was smart but impulsive, usually able to find a way to cover his tracks but only after he had acted. He knew how to control himself, when to control himself, but had limits, weaknesses with his temper, and Kiara was one of them. She knew this and was practically offering herself up as a sacrifice when she found herself alone and vulnerable that Monday night.

And yet he hadn't done anything to her, hadn't left her with so much as a scratch and she was supposed to believe he was suddenly a converted humanitarian? It was impossible. Even if he did act it at a later date, why didn't he when he had the opportunity to do it so freely?

Had she had misjudged Tom? She only really knew of the horcrux-induced Voldemort and the heartless villain that he came to be, but of course could never know his personality in adolescence until now. No doubt the horcruxes killed what little conscience may have lay there in the first place. But if that was the case how had he already killed four people? What made her so different than those unfortunate individuals? And it wasn't a gender issue, poor Myrtle and his grandmother caught the bad end of that stick.

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