Chapter 31

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She cast a few more disillusionments and notice me not charms over her and Tanner, levitating his body to follow her.

As they exited the Hufflepuff common room she followed the three, thankful they passed the hospital wing on their journeying. She gently placed Tanner on the nearest bed and used her wand to sound the alarm, hoping Madame Mafalda would come attend to his injuries soon. She smiled in seeing her arrive at his side almost immediately and whispered the incantation to Tanner's disillusionment, briefly amused at the nurse's confusion.

She lay close behind the girls as they walked what seemed to be the entire expanse of the castle before coming to a door that materialised itself onto a blank wall up front.

No. The room of requirement? She had always thought it was just a myth.

She slipped in unnoticed and hid behind a table for precaution.

"Right everyone," Kiara addressed the group.

Sky noticed that all of the six were there, sat on desks in front of a chalkboard that Kiara was stood in front of. It was like some sort of classroom in the middle of a grand museum. Globes and telescopes, artwork and historical artefacts all surrounding their setup. Most of it had to belong to the room itself but she soon realised not all, considering a pin board with photos and scribbled notes stood behind Kiara, reminding Sky of the muggle detective book she had once read called Sherlock Holmes.

What was all of this? Why were they all here?

"The girls have come up with the idea of breaking into the chamber of secrets in order to see if it's inhabiting anything that Tom Riddle could've hidden there, any objections?"

"Um, a lot." Said George, frowning at her bluntness.

"Why would the chamber contain anything belonging to Riddle?" Fred asked in confusion.

"Come on Freddie, have you no common sense? No one except from Riddle has access to the chamber, what better place to keep his secrets? The chances of us finding something there are pretty high," Adele said.

"To get into the chamber we'd need to speak parseltongue, which none of us do. So unless you can find a way to get Saint Potter on speed dial, this isn't going to work." Draco huffed, frustrated that this was the reason he had been summoned away from the dungeons.

"You know about that?" Georgia asked him incredulously, eyes widening.

"What? I read Ki's informative handouts,"

"Surely this plot is a fool's errand by your standards Val." Fred eyed her warily who was still staring at her cousin, impressed that he had obeyed her for once. She turned to the Weasley twin sympathetically.

"It is but even I have to admit, we're running out of ideas. This is all we've got."

"Well, have we found anything else on Riddle's immortality mission or the diary?" Draco asked, hopeful.

"No, hence the desperation. Look, if we're going to destroy the darkest wizard the world has ever seen, then the girls have a point, we might just need to get our hands a bit dirty, do a bit of practical work."

"We just need to find a way to search through the chamber without getting ourselves killed. How did Harry kill the basilisk back in 1992? It was with the sword of Gryffindor, wasn't it?" Georgia asked, turning to Kiara who nodded in confirmation.

Did she just say 1992? Sky's jaw fell open, stunned.

"And where exactly are we going to find the sword of Gryffindor in 1944, Georgia?" Said Fred.

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