Chapter 23

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"Tom Riddle? As in the Tom Riddle?" Said Draco, astonished.

"The one and only." Kiara furrowed her eyebrows together, attempting to gather her thoughts.

"Are you sure?" He replied.

"As sure as God made little green apples. I'd recognise his face from anywhere, I've seen it in archives and school photos. Not to mention his unmistakable character, I didn't spend years researching the Dark Lord just to get sloppy with my work now,"

"So what you're saying is... same plan, different day?" Fred asked, an amused tone lit his voice.

"Don't be ridiculous," Adele scoffed, "That boy we just met outside is nothing short of a disaster movie waiting to happen. Even attempting to kill him would be pointless, there's no way we could get away with it, he'd see right through us."

"I say it's worth a try, it's what we came for after all." Draco shrugged, sitting on top of the Professor's table.

"No, Adele's right." Kiara sighed, leaning her knuckles on a desk. "We need to find another way, murder is no longer a viable option. He's a student, a model student at that, and his absence wouldn't go unnoticed for long. It's not like we can make a quick getaway now either,"

Suddenly the door opened, startling the six and causing the three boys to raise their wands instinctively. Kiara instantly whispered the incantation to the silencing charm before turning to see the intruder.

They soon lowered their arms in seeing a younger looking Albus Dumbledore stood at the door. He stalled, shocked for a moment as he gawked at the six teenagers. He was on the older side still, white hair infused with patches of auburn, his beard shorter and his face possessing less wrinkles than they were used to seeing. After a minute or so he found himself amused at their silenced expressions and proceeded to sit down at his desk. He was sure he had never seen them before, yet patiently waited for an explanation as he folded his hands neatly on his lap.

"Professor Dumbledore, it's so good to see you sir," Kiara began, breathing out a sigh of relief.

"And who might you be?" He replied, confused at her visible comfortability with him.

"Yes of course, I should explain. My name is Kiara, this is Draco, Georgia, Adele, Fred and George. We are students from Hogwarts, we're just not from this era. To cut a very long story short we've come from the future and you are the only one I'm sure we can trust. We jumped back from 1994 and the time turner we used to come has now broken so needless to say; we're stuck here."

Dumbledore nodded slowly, digesting the information. The other stole a few glances, slightly taken aback that Kiara was so sure she could be open with the professor. Perhaps it was another need-to-know thing.

"I see," He said, pursing his lips. "And how is it you were able to travel back so far in time?"

"The time turner itself is from even further into the future than we are. It's called a true time turner, and it allows for no limit in times of stay, giving the traveller the ability to go back decades. The only issue is that it hadn't been tested for anything further back than thirty years as far as we know. I attempted to go beyond that, so here we are."

"And where in time did you intend on the device taking you Miss..."

"Valentine, sir. Kiara Valentine. And that's classified, you know as well as I do that we can't mess any further with the nonlinear systems at work."

He chuckled, amused by the girl's spirit.

"One would question your even being here by that logic, Miss Valentine, as well as your telling me. Where did you get a hold of such an object?"

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