Chapter 22

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"You what?" Kiara replied, blinking at Narcissa who was gesturing for them all to leave the dungeons.

She rose curiously, glancing briefly between her peers as she went over to walk alongside her aunt.

They came to a halt as they reached the apothecary. The six stood quietly, patiently waiting for Narcissa to explain.

She sat on a stool and sighed, her eyes not quite meeting any of theirs.

"Draco, Kiara," She started, gesturing for them to come close. They took her by the hand and kneeled in front of her slowly, reluctantly, not quite used to the intimacy.

"It was never my intention for you two to get hurt in all of this. Now all I can see is the effect of what our parenting has done. If blood supremacy and power means losing my two children, then I can no longer sit back and allow for it to continue in this way."

Kiara felt herself tearing up at the unexpected affection. She had never considered Narcissa as her mother. She was cold and reserved, not quite able to fulfil that maternal role in her life she so desired. Nevertheless, she appreciated that she considered her a daughter. She loved her too, in some absurd, incomprehensible way.

"I must confess that I am no innocent bystander in this. I was even the one that suggested your father use the imperious curse on that poor Liogreet girl, as well as on Mr Potter when Lucius was unintentionally caught bringing back Miss Darwin here,"

Draco and Adele glanced at each other, both semi-relieved at this announcement.

So that's what happened with Jessica.

Kiara nodded slowly in understanding. That was why Harry had acted so suspiciously the night Adele had gone missing and returned completely disassociated to the event. It made sense her Uncle had accidentally stumbled across the Gryffindor and used the imperious curse to charm him into forgetting the encounter.

"I only hope you can forgive the endeavours I partook in. Now, I must ask something unfathomable of all of you. I can't risk this getting out, meaning unfortunately you will all have to partake in what I ask."

The group shrugged and nodded at varying orders, none of them were prepared to leave Draco and Kiara alone in whatever Mrs Malfoy had planned anyway, they were too far into it now.

"This is a time turner,"

Narcissa revealed the object from a dark mahogany box. It looked similar to what the students had seen before but this time turner was larger, longer, and laced with silver instead of gold.

Kiara raised her eyebrows in mocking passiveness.


"But no ordinary time turner. This is a true time turner. How I came to be in possession of such an item I cannot disclose, but what I can tell you is that this is from the future. Where most time turners offer you a mere hour of interaction, this time turner is not limited to any number of weeks, or even years of passage. You don't just have the privilege of going back up to five hours, you can travel back decades."

That caught Kiara's attention. She instantly shot up, eyeing the device and holding out her hand.

"May I?" She asked.

Narcissa nodded, handing it over for her to inspect.

"We can save Cedric." Kiara breathed.

"Not quite." Narcissa replied.


"It is not the loss of your friend that has debilitated us dear," She interrupted her. "it's the entire conundrum. I've gone through it, over and over in my head, wondering where the moment could be, the moment to change fate as we know it. I am too advanced in age, too tired to go myself. But you six can carry out this mission, one that you must consider as serious as your lives."

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