Chapter 3

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"Morning," Georgia sang over to Adele with a yawn as she pulled off her duvet. "How are you feeling?"

Adele smiled, stretching her arms out and heading towards the bathroom.

"Much better, I just needed a good rest." She began to brush her teeth, looking through her timetable as she did so.

Georgia glanced over to a sleeping Kiara and frowned disapprovingly . She picked up a pillow and threw it directly at her face.

The Hufflepuff woke up with a start, clearly unimpressed.

"What in Godric's name was that for?!" She yelled.

"Shush Ki, first years might still be asleep." She smiled at her sneakily.

"Oh ever so sorry G," Kiara replied, huffing as she pulled off her blanket. "I didn't realise that people might've been sleeping!"

Adele giggled from her bathroom, more than content to be back with the two. She was excited for the day ahead and the other inevitable reunions.

Georgia leaned against the wall facing Kiara with a suspicious look as she began to comb out her caramel curls.

"Where did you go last night? I thought you said you wouldn't be long,"

"I wasn't long, you must've fallen asleep." She replied nonchalantly, grabbing a towel from the rack and turning on the shower.

"We were talking for three hours, Val. You missed all the Australia content." Georgia shook her head at the Hufflepuff.

"I can catch up at breakfast. I'm sorry, I had stuff to do."

Georgia shrugged, dropping the matter. It wasn't unusual for Kiara to go missing at random points in the day. She often found her in the library, surrounded by a stack of books looking frazzled. She assumed that the majority of the time she was looking into historical archives and manuscripts of dark magic, trying to find out more about the Dark Lord. She had been piecing bits of all she could find together since she had come to Hogwarts. No one had a more fervent hatred for Voldemort than Kiara Valentine, not even Harry Potter himself. Her mother had died by his command and she had a passion for vengeance.

Granted, both of Harry's parents had been murdered by the serial killer but at least Kiara still had Draco. Though none of her friends knew that. Harry had no one but his friends. Still it was that very fact alone that had pushed her into beginning her researching, she had promised the chosen one she would do whatever it took to aid him in causing the ultimate demise of Tom Riddle.

Once they were dressed and prepped, they made their way to the great hall for breakfast. As soon as they walked in, they were bombarded by an avalanche of excited squeals. Eventually they tore away from each other (much to Kiara's relief) and all sat at the Hufflepuff table despite the mix of houses.

"You have to tell us about Australia Del!" Ron said, biting into a piece of toast.

"Did you see a kangaroo?!" Belle asked.

"Were there cute Australian guys? Oh better yet, did you have a summer romance?!" Questioned Amelia, clapping her hands with joy.

"Judging by her expression maybe we should save the questions for lunch, guys." Harry laughed, noticing Adele's initial shock.

She smiled over to him, gratefully.

"It's alright Harry, there were a lot of cute guys,"

Amelia and Belle screeched excitedly, causing Hermione and Kiara to share an irritated glance.

"There may have been a kiss... or two..." She winked at them. "The beaches were beautiful, although you weren't allowed to actually go onto to a lot of them because of herds of sharks and crocodiles. The Northern Territory is just ginormous, and apparently forest fires are a common thing too..."

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