chapter 26

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Up next was dad. He walked up to the spot light that was in my head. They stood there and threw a couple words until.

"Ding" Cell had broke the tension. Punches were thrown, blocks were broken. Mr Satan seemed surprised that dad actually stood  chance. Then they stood still.

"I've been waiting so long to fight you, and destroy you," Cell said.

"And I've been waiting to defeat you and bring peace to the world," Dad replied. Then all hell broke loose. Things were pretty evenly matched until cell kept punching dad to the point where he was at the edge of the ring. He was almost out of the ring until he phased to the other side of the ring. After that Cell magically sprouted out little tiny blue Cells.

"Each of these are just as powerful as me. Good luck," Cell smirked. Dad had a 'No!' expression on his face. Then they attacked us. I, naturally, kicked the one right square in the face, causing it to flying in to a mountain. When he came out of the mountain side, I did the ki and force trick, I lifted the little guy into the air and cut off his airflow to the brain. Then the guy really went blue. At one point in the fight with actual Cell, he had blown up the arena and they had to fight to the death. Of course now my little blue guy was about to die so I tried a little trick of mine. I put my hand up to his heart and sent every bit of good energy to it and ruled out the darkness. Now I have a little pet bad guy. I healed him and put him on my shoulder. I sat down and he played with my hair.


"He's fine. I made him my lil pet. He won't hurt me." I said casually. He had a dumbfounded look on his face.

"Why is everyone trying to kill those lil people that look like me? Will they kill me?" He asked in a baby voice.

"Well those other lil people are evil. And they are trying to kill my friends. They won't lay a finger on you, and if they do, I'll kick their ass." I replied. He nodded. "What is your name anyway?"

"Oh, I'm Blip," I nodded. We watched the fight and there were several ki blasts fired and we had to dodge several of them.

"Who do you want to win?" I asked.

"I want the good guy to win. Is that the guy with the bleach white hair?" He asked.

"Yep, that guy the we're rooting for, is my dad," I said. His eyes grew huge. Then dad said something crazy.

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