Chapter 35

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"What?" I asked, giving that 'are you fucking kidding me' look.
"You heard what I said." Maena snapped.
"Jeez," I muttered. As we walked in, I put an invisible bubble around me so that my abilities would still be somewhat useful.
"Now, you all have to wear certain uniforms that were made specially for you," she said with a much more sweet tone. She tossed us all outfits and lead us to different rooms. I thought the outfit was a little crazy. It was actually formal wear and not a uniform at all. Mine was a black dress that went down to my ankles. There was silver beading on the top of it. I walked out of my room and looked at the others. I was dying laughing. The guys were all in black tuxes and ties. The rest of the girls walked out and had in the same dress.
"Good you're all dressed and ready to go, follow me," Maena instructed. We followed her into a room and the door locked behind us. "You've just been locked in a room of hell," she chuckled and the floors collapsed, causing everyone to fall. I got up and and gasped at what I was seeing. Maena had turned into a demon. I started to back away from her, but she saw me and shot a spell at me that seemed to seep into my body and start changing things. My hair turned red and grew to be 3/4 down my back. I started to ge dizzy and I fell into a chair. Then a huge man came and picked me up. He started to walk away and I punched him in the face. He dropped me and I fell. By now my vision was starting to blur and I couldn't stand up. I army crawled away to be picked up by someone familiar, Trunks. I looked up at him and I saw that he had a cut on his face. I reached my hand up to it and healed it.
"I thought you didn't have abilities," he said.
"You know me," I said before fading out of consciousness.
I woke up to be stared at by my friends. I still had a huge headache.
"W-what h-happened," I stuttered. Gohan pointed to a crater and I stumbled to it. I looked down and saw what looked like me, but was a bright blue and was glowing, fighting against Maena. Maena looked up to see me and a spell raced toward me that looked like a wolf's head. I turned to try and run but the spell bit me in the back of the neck. I fell and held the spot it bit and felt the seepy feeling. I looked at my hands and they were covered in blood. I found a towel next to a janitor cart and reached for it.
"Oh no you don't!" She yelled. I turned to see a raging Maena coming at me with everything she had. Spell after spell came at me and every time I tried to attack her, my body wouldn't allow it. I finally gave up. Until I saw a hole in her methods. Every time she attacked she got weaker. If I got her just before she got me, it would lower her strength long enough so I could finish her off. When she powered up her spell, I got ready to attack. The split second before she threw it, I pummeled her. I started to kick her side until i heard a distinct crack. She had shattered and a goddess emerged.
"Thank you for freeing me. One day, I will inform Him and let Him know that what you have done has saved a goddess as I," she said before she faded away. I was in shock. I didn't know what happened and how, or if what I had done was wrong. That feeling came back and it was extremely painful this time. I fell back and, once again, faded out of consciousness.

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