Chapter 33

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We flew over to master Roshi's later on to kinda catch up and to seek help.
"Baba has a friend that you all need to visit." Master Roshi said, he seemed worried. Gohan had woken up by now and he was all healed up.
"The following need to go, Goten,  Bulla, Gohan, Videl, Sunstella, Trunks, Bulma, and Vegeta," I got suspicious as he called out names.
"Why were all of the names in pairs, and why did you call all the couples? I mean, what if Turtle wants to go?" I asked.
"Me and Bulla aren't a thing!" Goten exclaimed. Bulla face palmed.
Sure, I thought.
"I know right?" Trunks asked.
"OK. You are taking it too far with the mind reading thing," I said.
"It's my choice on what I do with it." He said.
"It's know it is, but I suggest you don't read my mind too often. You don't know if there are consequences. Do you?" I said. The last part with innocent eyes.
"Oh its really nothing,  it's just that I'll kick your ass."
"What do you mean you'll kick my ass!?"
"I mean you'll be in a hospital for a few months,"
"Well you couldn't do shit to me!"
"Oh yeah?" I felt someone creep behind me and reach for my tail. I pulled him over my head and slammed him on the floor. It was Goten. "And what would we be doing?" I asked with fury burning in my eyes.
"Uhh nothing, why?" He lied.
"You're not a part of this, go away" I growled. "What are you trying to pull mister!" I yelled at Trunks. I could tell he was trying to do something. I walked away. I was pulled back by a sad Trunks.
"Stel, come on," he pleaded. "Don't make me hurt you,"
"HA! You actually think that you could hurt me!"
"Yes,  yes I do,"
"Prove it," He slaped me across the face. I didn't move, only folded my arms. I could feel my skin turn red there.
"Hey try this!" I yelled and punched him into the back wall, causing it to crumble.
"Son of a BITCH!" He shot a ki blast at me. I tackled him and started to punch him. I was immune to the tail thing, so I don't know why Goten even tried. Trunks didn't know that. I could use that against him. When he did reach for my tail, I pretended to loose my balance and fall. When he picked me up, he threw me over his shoulder. He couldn't see my face so I smirked. The others could see me. I grabbed onto his waist, flipped him over so that he was over my head, and threw him through the window.
"I thought you knew me better!" I screamed. He groaned and I stormed off.

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