Chapter 30

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"What is this blue thing to think that it can stop me!" Cell yelled.

"It's what holds her life. That little streak is what protects her. It's what holds her soul. When Cell hit her it obliterated her heart. Her life depends on that streak." Piccolo said.

"Oh, so if I destroy the streak, she dies," Cell asked. I honestly don't know how Piccolo knew that, but if ts true, Cell is definitely going to try his best to destroy it.

"Hey! Do you mind if we get back to our fight?" Dad asked. I almost forgot they had been fighting.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I have a little business to take care of," Cell replied with fake sympathy. Dad grumbled. Cell flew in the air and started shooting multiple ki blasts down at her. I wanted to help so bad, but I knew that if I did, I would surely die. I didn't want to be selfish, I just didn't need to add to the wishlist of people who need to be wished back. I wish I knew of something that could help. I felt bad that my own girlfriend was being been to death by some psychotic bug mutation. Dad was really mad now. He shot up to Cell and started attacking him with everything he had. Cell stopped trying to kill Stella and turned his attention to Dad.

"Ha! You think you can stop me can't you? Well, I shall prove you wrong!" Cell laughed. Cell was charging up for a huge blast. It was like a huge ball of darkness and evil.

"No!" Gohan gasped. He ran over to dad right  before  Cell threw it at him. Gohan powered up as he jumped in front of the blast. A huge ball of dust blanketed the entire area. I coughed and fanned the air around me. I saw Gohan and Dad in a huge crater. Gohan got up and prepared for battle. I felt tugging on my leg. I looked down to see that Stella's little pet person was looking back at me.

"If I can get to Stella, I can maybe get one of her cells and obtain her powers. Maybe you can come with me?" He asked.

"Uh, sure," I said. We walked over to where she was, but she was gone. We looked everywhere but couldn't find her.

I didn't know I was a saiyanWhere stories live. Discover now