Chapter 37

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There in that room, was none other than a super demon. I don't actually know if that's what it was called, but it's not fit for another name. Then I recognized it as Maena. It looked like she was, merged, with all of her servants. It staggered over to us and I immediately got in a fighting stance.
"Stella, we can't beat that," Gohan's voice quivered. I glared back at him.
"Then what are we going to do? Huh? Just have a tea party with it? We don't have a choice," I growled.
"Well, I know my choice is to run!" I heard Bulla shriek. Before she could run any further I grabbed her shirt collar.
"I need you to get our clothes from the changing rooms, got it?" I asked.
"I can't break down that door! I'm too shrill!" She replied.
"Goten, Trunks, go with her, I'm counting on you guys to get that door down." I instructed. "Bulma, go with them," I added. Back to the demon, Sir I-must-be-the-first-to-fight, was already getting his butt kicked. Gohan flew at it with everything he had, but that only dented its hammer. Wait. Hammer. Since when did it have a hammer!? I powered up and flew at it, but something stopped me. The entire world had stopped. Then a bright light came into view. I looked at it to see the goddess from before slowly descending to the ground. Then everything came back the demon was surprised by my attack and was stunned. I flew over to the goddess.
"Please tell me you're here to help us,"I said.
"In a way I'm helping, but I'm here to guide you specifically. That power you sense within you is more powerful than you think. For example, think of a sword." She instructed. I thought then something was in my hand. I looked down and saw a light blue sword with a bit of a glow. I gasped.
"Does this work with armour? That would really help," I sighed.
"Anything you can think of, but just remember that the bigger the object, the more energy it takes. That is all. Good luck," with that, she left.
"Wait! Come back!" I yelled. I looked back to the fight and saw that the others were sealed in a cage, including Bulla and the others. I felt a presence behind me and darted to the side, barely missing a heavy blow from a hammer. I took to the air and looked at my surroundings. Everything was smashed and all my friends were locked up. Great, looks like I'm on my own now. I flew down to the ground.
"What do you want!"I yelled at her.
"Your power. The force inside you is enough to rule the world! I want to do just that!" She laughed.
"That will never happen! Not on my watch!" I flew back up and made a spear. I threw it at her heart and boosted it with a small ki blast. It struck, and the beast fell, or so I thought. I flew down to it and looked at it. Then, a huge hand wrapped around me. It started to tighten it's grip. I yelled out in pain, unable to do anything. I used the force to open its hand, which wasn't as easy as it seemed. Before I hit the ground, I formed a pit full of feathers. It still hurt, but not as bad. I managed to lift my hand and heal myself. I got up and flew to the ceiling.
"Damn," I muttered. I flew down there and stood.
"If it's a fight you want, it's a fight you'll get. But if you don't let my friends go, even if I lose, I will come back, and it won't be pretty. Just a warning," I called out in a strong voice.
"So no matter what, your friends are free, but if I win, I get to have your power, if you win, you get to live. Fair enough?" She asked. I nodded. I flew back up and circled the beast. I dodged attack after attack until I'd gotten an idea. I landed and stood once more.
"Do you want to play Whack-a-Mole?" I asked.
"I'd love to," she grinned. The problem with being that huge is that she was really slow.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2015 ⏰

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