Chapter 16

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I found out how long I was out and was surprised it was only for a day. Generally it takes a week or so. The rest of the day that day was cool, except for two things. While Dad and I were sick, we were taken to Master Roshie's house. Of course, with my luck, I was taking a shower and you can figure out the rest. I was out, dry, and was getting dressed. Then, I heard a knock on the door.
"Hey, I need a washcloth can I come in?" The ol' perv asked.
"No, I'm getting dressed!" I yelled.
"It's o.k. I won't look," he insisted and walked in.
"NO!" I screamed and slapped him, causing him to fly to the window and shatter it. I finished getting dressed and walked out. "Oops," I said sarcastically, everyone gave me a look. "What, it's his fault he walked in on me," everyone except Bulma shrugged it off. What's her deal with me? Am I not good enough for her? Did I do something to offend her? Did someone lie to her about me? I mean, it's ridiculous. I wish I knew how to read minds, oh wait, I do. That sensei of mine was awesome, I wish he didn't have to go. Ok, so, look at her, focus, focus, focus. Ok! Got it.
'I have got to figure out what she's up to' Uck. I'm not up to anything! This is B.S. Where did she even get that idea? I'll ask Trunks to talk to her later. God this day is full of questions. I rolled my eyes and plopped down on the floor next to the door.
"Why do you always sit on the floor?" Trunks asked. I shrugged.
"I don't know," I replied. Bulma shook her head. I'm sick of her attitude.
"Hey, when do you think we'll be going home?" I asked.
"Probably in an hour," Gohan answered. I nodded. I took my phone out of my pocket and was playing a game for a while.
"I'm bored," Goten said. Gohan stared at him like they were talking. Oh shit, they're planning something. Then, Goten looked at Trunks. All of a sudden, Goten and Gohan came at me from both sides, ha, they thought I would be to dumbfound to do anything about it. I jumped up and they clunked heads. I couldn't help but to chuckle. I sensed Trunks coming but acted like I couldn't and kept chortling. When he was right behind me, I disappeared and reappeared right behind him and wrapped my arms around him so he couldn't move.
"Hey, let go!" He managed to breath as I squeezed tighter.
"What's the magic word?" I asked in a baby voice.
"Please?" He begged. I let go.
"Next time think of a better game plan," I said.
"Ok guys, time to go," Dad said.
We left and we all went home. I was exhausted so I went to my room and took a nap. When I woke up, I was pissed.

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