Chapter 22

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My hair was absolutely a mess. It stuck out freaking everywhere and I didn't want to leave my room. After a while Trunks came in and hung out.

"Do you wanna see the scariest game ever? I asked.

"Not really-"

"Great!" I cut him off. I got out my phone and looked up five nights at Freddy's on YouTube. "Here we go,"

We were watching the video and Goten came in and joined us, then came Gohan and the whole party was here. When the golden Freddy appeared, we all jumped. All of us except Goten laughed it off and I about had a heart attack when Bonnie the Bunny came in for a jump scare. When the video was oer, i was the person to do this.

"Who wants to see the second one?"

"Dinner!!!" Chi-Chi yelled. We all ran downstairs to the dinner table. I thought it funny when Gohan and Goten were fighting and didn't notice when I stole a roll from Goten's plate. The rest of dinner went with much scarfing down food.

"Well, I guess I should start heading back to Capsule Corp. See ya," Trunks said. We all said bye and settled back in to our normal state of fighting and pranking. Today was good.

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