Chapter 32

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Blip started sobbing for a while and then he sucked it up. The fight with Cell and Gohan was getting really Intense.

"It's time to end this! Ka meh ha meh-" Cell started. Gohan too, powered for a Kamehameha, though he only had one hand. Cell had blasted his other arm into a mangled mess.

"HA!!!!" They yelled in unison. The familiar sight of that blue blast filled the sky. They were evenly matched. Eye to eye. A huge ball collected in the middle of the the two. At first the ball was headed towards Gohan, it stayed like that for a long time. The ball got bigger and bigger and it was to the point where the ground was shaking and the earth felt like it was scared. The ball was really moving towards Gohan now.
"I-I I can't!" Gohan stuttered. Just then, Stella sprung up from where she was. Time for mind reading.
GOHAN! If you keep on thinking I can't I can't I can't, then you won't. You have to be thinking I can I can I can. I you think that this is what you were meant for, you to be thinking that you're here to help. This isn't totally pinned on you. We still have Vegeta, Trunks,  and I. We might maybe be able to help fight him together but we shouldn't have to. You have this in the bag, you just need to seal it. I'm trusting I can believe in you. She sent. Just then, what looked like the ghost of Goku walked up to Gohan and said a few words. Then he was seemingly giving him power. With that, the entire blast went flying towards Cell. It hit him and you could see him dissolving into dust. It was over. Gohan had done it. His hair turned back to normal before he collapsed. Stella ran over to him.
°●°•○《Śţëłľã'ś POV》○•°●°
I ran over to Gohan and knelt down next to him. He was unconscious. I picked him up and brought him over to the group. I felt bad because I was barely a help.
"Hey, why don't you heal him now?" Goten asked.
"He has to be conscious for it to work. If he isn't, there is a 50% chance he might die." I sighed.
"Why is that?" He asked. I sighed.
"Because he isn't giving his consent. If he doesn't, then I have no power to heal him." I explained.

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